Megan Edge

A Healer’s Oath.

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Megan Edge is a Master Healer and wild foods & foraging expert who works with clients ready, willing, and able to envision deep and permanent healing through natural medicine and wellness practices featuring food as medicine, healing with nature, foraging wild plants, wildcrafting, and essential oils. She teaches people to reconnect and feel comfortable and confident in the natural world with guided nature walks, wildcrafting workshops, and plant and species identification. Megan loves sharing what she knows about urban and wild food foraging with her new business, Beyond the Garden Gate Botanicals. (

May I always hold your story sacred, without judgement or reproach.

May I always hold space for your Journey to wellness and acknowledge that your path is uniquely yours.

May I always hold your wisdom in equal validity to mine, empowering you to know yourself better than anyone else.

May I always come from the Heart, in total compassion for my Journey as it relates to yours, knowing when to step in and to step out of your story.

May I understand and accept that Spirit moves through me for you and that, ultimately, you heal yourself.

May I remain always humble in the work I do.

Megan Edge


Alternative Healing in the Main Stream?

Seniors home care, care facilities,RV parks B &B, Churches, Brew pubs, craft breweries, vineyards, distilleries, Pets BC. Seniors 101, Island Voices promoting the products and services available for seniors on Vancouver Island. Seniors 101 lifeline. Snowbirds. Employment. Politics. Vancouver Island Now. Island woman magazine. Around the Island, Newsletters.I was awoken this morning by a phone call from Ontario. It turned out to be someone calling from a health insurance company. He wanted to know if I was a psychologist, as a client of theirs, who is also a client of mine, had submitted an invoice from their sessions with me. I answered honestly,

“I’m not a registered psychologist.”

Which was all he wanted to know.

I have a disclaimer on my website, which states: “Megan Edge is not a medical professional or a registered psychologist.” I wondered if a psychologist or medical professional would feel the need to have a similar disclaimer on their website – ie “Bob Smith is not a professional Alternative Healer nor does he work with intuition, energy healing or spiritual matters.”

What is an Intuitive Counsellor anyways? It’s a term that’s gaining in popularity for the kind of alternative healing work I do. In fact, many of the people closest to me still don’t get what it is I do. They can wrap their heads around Reiki as a form of energy medicine and liken it to laying-on-of-hands or Healing Touch, but Intuitive Counselling isn’t as evident. There are some health insurance companies that now cover Reiki, along with massage and chiropractic work, but not what I do or how I do it.

Spiritual Counselling is a thing; when one is in spiritual crisis, perhaps having recently lost a loved one or when experiencing doubts about one’s relationship with the Creator. Insurance companies cover this sort of counselling.

But Intuitive Counselling?

I‘m a Mind, Body and Soul Healer. It’s a term I came up with a few years ago as I searched for a comprehensive title to call myself, one that would encompass more of what I do for my clients. It’s what my graduates from my Healer’s program have on their certificates.

The Mind is the Intuitive Counselling piece – the Storyholding, reframe and healing of a person’s trauma, confusion or uncertainty. This is where we look at the very words my client is using when describing her story and see where these words can be changed to reflect a new relationship with her life events.

The Body is the Energy Healing – Intuitive Energy Massage, another one of my healing creations, where we explore how my client’s body is holding their Story, in pain, discomfort or illness. We work within the belief that our bodies take to heart how we tell our story and manifest pain, or feelings of joy, as a form of internal communication.

The Soul is the spiritual work we do – Soul Retrieval and Past Life Healing, holding to the belief that there’s more to these lives of ours then simply the day-to-day challenges and experiences. It’s through the Soul work that we might connect with loved ones who have died or memories from another lifetime that can be healed in this one.

Seniors home care, care facilities,RV parks B &B, Churches, Brew pubs, craft breweries, vineyards, distilleries, Pets BC. Seniors 101, Island Voices promoting the products and services available for seniors on Vancouver Island. Seniors 101 lifeline. Snowbirds. Employment. Politics. Vancouver Island Now. Island woman magazine. Around the Island, Newsletters.Mind, Body and Soul Healing is a one-stop healing modality. It’s based on a relationship of trust between me and my client and it calls on everything I know and have learned. It’s also based on an explicit trust of my intuition – that when I know my client would benefit from energy work or a Soul Retrieval session, she knows I can do these things for her, without her having to establish a new relationship with another practitioner.

There is no governing body for Intuitive Counsellors in Canada. There’s certainly no governing body for Mind, Body and Soul Healers either. For me to belong to the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapist Association, or the Canadian Professional Counsellors Association, there are many hoops I’d have to jump through. And I get it – credentials, expertise and dedication are extremely important in establishing one’s experience and qualifications in any field.

And while there are numerous healer’s associations in Canada, such as the Canadian Association for Integrative and Energy Therapies, and the Canadian Healing Touch Foundation, my clients still cannot have their work with me covered by their health insurance premiums.

What would qualify this work?

One of the main reasons I’ve developed The Confident Healer: An Introduction to Intuitive Healing ( is to provide alternative healers with a framework and structure in which to learn how to develop their intuitive healing skills. The program is designed in such a way that each Healer must do her own healing work as part of the journey to becoming a Mind, Body and Soul Healer. Healer, Heal Thyself is one of the cornerstones of the program. Then there is the integrity piece, where the intention is to hold space for the client’s healing, empowering them to know what their story is, how it’s affecting them and that ultimately, they are doing their healing, within the container of the guidance and direction the Mind, Body and Soul Healer provides for them.

And I teach because I want to know that there are qualified Alternative Healers, who have done their own healing work and know how to hold space for others.

Seniors home care, care facilities,RV parks B &B, Churches, Brew pubs, craft breweries, vineyards, distilleries, Pets BC. Seniors 101, Island Voices promoting the products and services available for seniors on Vancouver Island. Seniors 101 lifeline. Snowbirds. Employment. Politics. Vancouver Island Now. Island woman magazine. Around the Island, Newsletters.But who am I to make that assessment? Remember, I don’t qualify for any Counsellors associations. I don’t have a Masters or Doctorate in counselling or psychotherapy. I have an Advanced Majors in Women’s Studies and Social Work from Dalhousie University. I trained and work as a Crisis Counsellor at the Halifax Sexual Assault Crisis Line. I’ve studies alternative healing for many, many years and have all manner of certifications in everything from Reiki to Angel Therapy.

I’ve taught on many metaphysical subjects for over 10 years – everything from intuitive development, past lives, spirit guides and channeling, and alternative healing. I’ve held over 10,000 healing sessions in this time and created my own healing modalities, which I teach. I’ve created healing tools and published a deck or Oracle cards, The Heart’s Journey: Healing Hearts Oracle Cards and Guidebook. I’ve done my own healing work.

But I don’t have my Masters. And yet I’ve had professional psychotherapists, child trauma counsellors, nurses, doctors and cabinet makers come through my Healers programs. Men and women from all walks of life seek me out for healing, learning and counsel.

Who am I not to make that assessment? Every profession has a starting point. If you do a search on-line for Intuitive Counsellors in Canada, you’ll be shown 444,000 hits. Mainstream counselling is now opening to the use of intuition in the counselling realm – also hypnosis, past life healing, visualization, shamanism and the use of Oracle cards as part of the client’s healing journey. How different, really, is the Intuitive Counsellor from the status quo counsellor?

Perhaps the time has come for there to be a Canadian Association of Intuitive Healers so that I don’t have to receive a call first thing in the morning from a health insurance company who wants to know if the work I do with my client qualifies to be covered by their insurance premiums. It would reflect our willingness as a society to accept the validity of all the different paths to healing and well-being.

Then again, wouldn’t that simply bring the Alternative into the Main Stream? Perhaps we aren’t ready for that just yet!


Megan-Edge_featured_2015[1]Megan Edge Psy-chick Healing Studio Master Healer Intuitive Counsellor, Educator and Author

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Read Megan on Island Woman Magazine
See Megan’s Interview on Shaw TV’s GO Island!


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