Anna Christine Doehring

Listen to the signs

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Anna Christine Doehring , RHFP, CRP, had a lifelong interest in medicine, yet life had many other intentions. She came to Vancouver Island in 1989. Since 1995 she has been practicing Reflexology, JinShinDo®, CranioSacral®. and since 2007 Reconnective Healing®. This is seen as the leader in the growing field of Energy-Healthcare. She is a Reconnective Healing Foundational Practitioner™ and presently the only Certified Reconnection Practitioner™ on Vancouver Island. Because every symptom is like the tip of an iceberg, she writes mainly about the signs the body gives us that something is wrong and needs to be addressed.

Our body gives us signs long before disease strikes … what are they?  Are they easy to notice? Do we need tests? Do they have to be painful?

Actually there is only one health problem and that is the inability of cells to communicate with each other. Depending on the area in which this occurs, the problem gets a name and these are the known diseases.

The energy that travels throughout the body is called Chi or Qi. This energy is essential for our well being. It travels in channels, called meridians. When the Chi-flow is impeded, the cells cannot communicate properly.

We all know the obvious signs that indicate a problem, such as pain, tiredness, cramps, fever, migraines, tinnitus, depression, allergies and so on.  Nobody seems to take the other signs seriously: a corn on the toe, athlete’s foot, fungus at the toenails, bunions, ingrown toenails, calluses at various parts of the foot, plantar warts, heel spurs, liver spots on the hands, eczema, warts, excessive wax in the ears, various skin conditions and others.

We are given different reasons for many foot conditions. Yes, a tight shoe might have caused the problem, but other causes are also possible.

All meridians end either in the toes or fingertips. All the above mentioned conditions usually originate somewhere else in the body. Why should one have arthritis only in one finger or in one knee?  A corn at the little toe is most likely related to back problems. Plantar warts at the foot might indicate, for example a heart, lung or sinus problem.

We have to pay attention to these signs. It is not always old age that causes the problems. When we do not pay attention to the signs our body is giving us over a long period of time, conditions such as distintegration of the cartilage in the knee emerges at a time when we are older.

All these signs want to tell you one thing only … somewhere in the body the energy flow (Chi-flow) is blocked and when you don’t do something to balance the energy flow, you might have a serious health problem in the future.

In a healthy body, the energy flow is in balance and harmony. Trauma of any kind causes an impediment to the harmonious energy flow and results in dis-harmony. When nothing is done to balance the Chi-flow in the meridian, dis-ease will develop and eventually result in disease.

Disease does not happen out of the blue; there is always a root cause. With the exception of a few diseases (for example silicosis), the root cause can often be addressed with alternative healing modalities … these help the Chi to flow and then the body can start the healing process.

Every symptom is like the tip of an iceberg. As the iceberg takes a long time to form, so also the symptom takes sometimes ten, twenty or thirty years until it shows up.

In future articles, I will suggest ways to help in taking care of one’s body so that causes can be addressed before symptoms show up.

Originally written for the magazine Synergy (not published at the moment)

Anna Christine Doehring
Energy All Around Healing



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