Megan Edge

Mirror Mirror On The Wall

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Megan Edge is a Master Healer and wild foods & foraging expert who works with clients ready, willing, and able to envision deep and permanent healing through natural medicine and wellness practices featuring food as medicine, healing with nature, foraging wild plants, wildcrafting, and essential oils. She teaches people to reconnect and feel comfortable and confident in the natural world with guided nature walks, wildcrafting workshops, and plant and species identification. Megan loves sharing what she knows about urban and wild food foraging with her new business, Beyond the Garden Gate Botanicals. (

moon_megan edgeIn my work as an Energy Healer, I am honoured to witness the releases my clients experience in the work we do together.  Old ideas of who they are, or who they need to be for others, and all manner of self-limiting belief patterns literally fall away as they connect with what is actually true for them. I know the value of this transformation because I have witnessed this process within myself and I am so grateful for the integrations and releases I have experienced.

One time, a dear friend of mine – through her deep knowing of me and her honesty with me – helped me to understand a very old pattern of behaviour that I thought I had let go. In the thinking of it, I was still holding on to the behaviour as well as reacting to it. As we talked, my body identified the pattern and began to tremble. I recognized that a release of energy was occurring. I knew I needed to get out of the way of my physical body and give my whole Self permission to release the energy of this behaviour that it was holding.

leaf_megan edgeThe moment I connected on a feeling level, rather then thinking level, and allowed myself to respond emotionally, my body took a huge breath, ceased trembling and relaxed. At that point I knew, on all levels of knowing, that I had integrated and released all past experiences of this behaviour and that I would no longer repeat this now out-dated response.

For me, this experience so beautifully illustrates how the emotional body moves energy into the physical body when we don’t heal on the emotional level. We tend to pay more attention to a bruise on the skin than we do a bruise on the soul. This is one of the many ways the body, mind and spirit work together to support us in this human journey we are all on. Sometimes we have to move into the answers.

I work a great deal with beliefs in my practice. Most often, we are identifying self-limiting beliefs and shifting them to self-limitless ones that support a person on their journey moving forward. When you find yourself in a stuck place, you have usually been there for some time. The feeling sneaks up on you. Then you come to the awareness that nothing in your life, career or relationships has moved or is growing, and you become uncomfortable in your skin.

blurred heart_megan edgeIt is my experience that beliefs have a life force of their own. The self-limitless beliefs live on the surface of your energy and pulse with life and motivation, while the self-limiting beliefs burrow their way deeply into our physical body, keeping themselves hidden while living off the experiences created by those beliefs. When you bring those limiting beliefs into your awareness, they lose their life force and can no longer keep you stuck in patterns of relating and being.

This is what happened to me in the story I just shared with you. I identified the limiting belief that I had around my safety and a certain individual. Acknowledging that I was still in a limiting belief that this person could hurt me allowed my old reaction to them and their behaviour to move through me and out of me.

heart_megan edgeThere is something to be mindful of when you begin to identify and shift old, outmoded beliefs – the beliefs themselves will resist the change and there will be a time when you will continue to attract experiences that support the old beliefs. When this happens, breathe through the feelings around the experience and give yourself credit for recognizing the old belief-reaction or pattern.

For example, if one of your old, self-limiting beliefs is that you never catch a break and once again it seems that you get caught at every red light on your way to an important meeting, rather then hooking into the old thought pattern, shift your reaction to the circumstances. Find something in your day prior to all the red lights that did go right in the moment for you. You can also change your perspective of all those red lights – perhaps there is a message here about slowing down and re-thinking your ideas or goals. When you stop taking life so personally, self-limiting beliefs lose their hold on you and fall away – like water off a duck’s back.

On a very physical level, I have learned an amazing technique to help bring those secreted self-limiting beliefs to the surface and move them out of your physical and energetic bodies – it’s a bit of mirror magic. Are you ready? …

spiderweb_megan edgePut on your favourite music, preferably something you can sing to at the top of your voice, get a bucket and mop and your favourite cleaning products, and clean the house of every last bit of dust, dirt and bits and pieces of stuff you no longer need. Buff and polish and shine, pull out the sofa and desk, clean every surface – even the blinds and the top of the fridge. Open all the windows and doors and sweep every last bit of dust outside, including all the energetic dust. And finally, clean the mirrors and when you are finished, look at You in the mirror, ask – “Who is the Fairest in all the Land?”, and allow all those self-limiting beliefs to surface and leave so that you can clearly see who you are, in all your potential, all your brilliance and all your energy.

forestIt is a deep truth that our inner self is reflected in our outer environment. So take a look around at how your space expresses who you believe yourself to be and decide if anything needs to shift. Then do something about it. And … your home will be clean!

Enjoy the journey, with love and compassion for yourself and those around you.




Megan Edge_featured_2015Megan Edge
Psy-chick Healing Studio
Megan’s Website



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