Megan Edge

Wonder at the Choices

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Megan Edge is a Master Healer and wild foods & foraging expert who works with clients ready, willing, and able to envision deep and permanent healing through natural medicine and wellness practices featuring food as medicine, healing with nature, foraging wild plants, wildcrafting, and essential oils. She teaches people to reconnect and feel comfortable and confident in the natural world with guided nature walks, wildcrafting workshops, and plant and species identification. Megan loves sharing what she knows about urban and wild food foraging with her new business, Beyond the Garden Gate Botanicals. (

Recipes, Pets, Shop on-line. Women's Fashions, Woman to Woman blog.  Island Woman magazine, designed by and for the women of Vancouver Island, BC.Have you ever wondered at the choices you’ve made? Not judged them, condemned them or blamed yourself for them but simply wondered? Have you ever stepped out of your judgement and simply wondered at the choices you’ve made? Has it ever occurred to you to say to yourself…”I wonder why I choose to do that?” or “I wonder why I choose that path or said those words?” And if you were to allow yourself to simply wonder, how do you think you might feel about your choices?

You could open yourself up to possible reasons for your choices; you could allow the bigger picture of your life patterns to show up in your consciousness; you could begin a dialogue with yourself about all the reasons why you might have made a particular choice. And from there you could know yourself better then you do now.

From there you could forgive yourself for choices you feel were wrong and congratulate yourself for the choices you feel were right. And from there you could even get to a place of seeing that there are no right or wrong choices.  You could say to yourself, “I made a choice. And in making that choice I empowered myself. And from that choice I had an experience and the experience I had is now a part of my story. And it was neither right or wrong – it was simply my experience and has thus became my truth.”

And then, you could be simply wonderful.


Megan Edge Psy-chick Healing Studio Master Healer Intuitive Counsellor, Educator and Author

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Read Megan on Island Woman Magazine
See Megan’s Interview on Shaw TV’s GO Island!


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  1. Very often I marvel at the one huge choice I made in my life; it was a choice that happened in a moment when I believed emphatically that it was a choice I and my life needed. Its application was not the easiest, but its relatively short-lived result was one that changed and enriched my life forever. Carpe temporis momentum!

    • Dear Nancy,

      Thank you for sharing this with us – sometimes it is that one choice that can take us in a completely different direction, a direction we didn’t even know was available to us. As I tell my students and clients all the time, there are no wrong choices; there are the choices we make and our experience of the outcome – and that experience is entirely up to us!

      Namaste, Megan

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