Anna Christine Doehring

When feet hurt …

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Anna Christine Doehring , RHFP, CRP, had a lifelong interest in medicine, yet life had many other intentions. She came to Vancouver Island in 1989. Since 1995 she has been practicing Reflexology, JinShinDo®, CranioSacral®. and since 2007 Reconnective Healing®. This is seen as the leader in the growing field of Energy-Healthcare. She is a Reconnective Healing Foundational Practitioner™ and presently the only Certified Reconnection Practitioner™ on Vancouver Island. Because every symptom is like the tip of an iceberg, she writes mainly about the signs the body gives us that something is wrong and needs to be addressed.

Fallen arches might be caused by back problems.  Are you surprised by this statement? It would have surprised me ten years ago because we are constantly reading and hearing that when we have foot pain we should buy orthotics, insoles and arch supports.  When feet hurt, our first step is to get the right shoes and supports, but the answer to pain may be a step further.  Consulting a foot health specialist can bring definitive diagnosis and treatment for your pain.

In Germany this is called Senk-Knickfuss-Syndrom (fallen-arch-syndrome). The term “syndrome” means that nobody knows exactly what the cause is.  Yes, the cause can be a degeneration of the foot because we are too heavy, wear the wrong shoes, or perhaps don’t walk enough and the muscles and ligaments have degenerated, or there may be a birth defect.

This is what I believed most of my life until I attended a seminar in Germany entitled “Manuelle Neurotherapy”. There I learned that the fallen-arch-syndrome can also be caused by blockages in the lumbar-sacral area which then causes a lack of circulation in the muscles of the legs. I also learned which area needs to be included in a Reflexology session.

“Circulation of what?”, you might ask. It could be circulation of blood, lymph. or Chi.

What is lymph? Lymph is the clear fluid you see when you cut yourself. It detoxifies and regenerates tissue. If lymph circulation stagnates, toxins accumulate and cellular functioning is compromised, thus opening the path to physical ailments. Spots on the legs are nearly always a sign of lymph-flow restriction and have to be taken very seriously.  This is the reason I often combine Reflexology with lymph drainage of the legs.

What is Chi? Chi is the life energy that has to circulate harmoniously through our body. A blockage of the Chi flow means trouble of many kinds. In this case, it means lack of muscle tone and even atrophy of the leg muscles.  Every form of acupressure and acupuncture has as a goal to balance the Chi-flow.

A simple restriction of leg muscle activity can cause fallen-arch-syndrome.  Then it may become a reciprocal action.  First, there is poor back posture; second, fallen arches; then more deterioration and pain in the back, more pain in the feet, and so on … until one takes the simple route and gets orthotics.

This definitely helps with the pain but doesn’t address the root cause which might lie much deeper than only the back pain. It can be caused by blockage of the Chi-flow in one specific Meridian, originating from too strong or suppressed emotions like anger, fear, worry  or grief. It can be caused by constipation; it can come from an inability to stand up for our own needs and desires, or from extreme low energy levels.

Reconnective Healing® is an excellent modality to address the root cause of any emotional, mental or physical health problem.  I believe there is often a way other than orthotics and as proof, I give you a private story.

A friend never took his runners off because of pain in his back and feet.  One day he said “Have you heard about Myo-Therapy? I know somebody with the same problem and that helped him.”  Myo-Therapy is a method of relaxing muscle spasm, improving circulation and alleviating pain … but it hurts.  My ambition got active. I said: “You better get on the table.”  I know a few Myo-Therapy points and he endured the pain because he trusted me.  After the second therapy session he took his shoes off … the pain was gone. I was surprised it happened that fast.  In another article, I’ll write more about Trigger and Acu Points.

I write this article because I really want the lay person to understand what is happening in their body and to be aware that there is often a way to regain health.

Anna Christine Doehring
Energy All Around Healing



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