and we each arrive from different places and routes.
Mine has always been a quest for understanding how we can be better – better health, mental wellness and nourishing our bodies.
I feel very fortunate to have grown up in a foraging family. As an infant, my parents would put me in the backpack carrier and bring me along on all of their forest and beach walks. We collected everything from wild mushrooms, clams, fish, and berries to Fiddleheads, wild garlic and Maple sap. Native herbs and edible flowers were collected for salads, soups and to be dried for Winter use.
I lived in the big city – Victoria, Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto and Halifax. My father was the Publisher of the Montreal Gazette. We lived comfortably. We didn’t need to forage to survive, we foraged for the joy of it. There is something so satisfying about finding the first Boletus or Chanterelle in the fall, or waiting until the perfect moment to harvest Fiddleheads before the fronds unfurl. Clams, crabs and oysters off the beach, picked on a sunny day and eaten with butter and garlic – there’s nothing better in my mind.
I love sharing my love of harvesting and foraging with others. Visit me at my cottage on Mayne Island and I’ll teach you how to collect shellfish, show you which berries are edible and delicious or teach you to make healing salves from Fir resins and needle tips. Nature’s sustenance and medicine is all around us, the forest and fields a pantry of nourishment and healing, for our mind, body and spirit.
I came to Alternative Medicine naturally; the yearning to unlock the healing potential of wild foods, plants and trees is in my blood. I see Alternative healing modalities, from Energy Healing to meditation, and Aromatherapy – and everything in between – as a complement to Modern Medicine. I’ve had 17 surgeries in my life and a number of “chronic” health conditions and issues. I know the value of Modern Medicine. My vision and mission is to build bridges between Modern and Alternative Medical modalities because we need both, and they are complementary.
What I love about using essential oils in my healing practice with my clients is that these plant medicines, when they are pure, undiluted and distilled properly, are easy to access, affordable, effective, gentle and powerful medicine at the physical and psychological level. This is not Woo-Hoo, and even if it was, so what? Does it work? Do you feel differently when you are using therapeutic essential oils? There are thousands of anecdotal personal experiences which validate and compliment the results of the over 300,000 scientific and medical studies on the effectiveness of essential oils on countless health conditions, environmental and agricultural issues and mental health diagnosis’s. You don’t have to look far to find your proof.
My journey with essential oils eventually lead me to Young Living and I truly wish I had arrived here sooner. I also believe in Divine Timing and with that in mind, this must be the perfect time for me to be where I am, learning even more deeply how to help my clients and students live their best lives as we heal their wounds and open up to the possibilities of health, wellness and abundance in their daily lives.
This is how I arrived to working as a Healer and Teacher, creating a synergy between Modern Medicine and Alternative, Wholistic Medicine. How did you get here?

Read Megan in Island Woman Magazine & MindBodyNetwork
Watch Megan on Youtube at Megan Edge Healing
See all articles by Megan Edge
Enjoyed and impressed by your “ROADS TO WELLNESS”:). Also found it a good slice of nostalgia,,, to wit: the first meal enjoyed with my late husband/author was butter clams simmered in butter and garlic … and my late and dearest friend -an Arrowsmith Naturalist – declared, “I was introduced to Nature from my parents’ back pack in the woods of Ontario.”
Hi Nancy, thank you for sharing your kind words with me. My parents used to share the story that my first solid food was Dungeness crab – I was in a bassinet on the dinning room table as they ate. My mother would recollect how my I reached out and my little face lit up at the taste!