They say ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ and it seems this can
apply to gardens too. As I take stock of all the plants from friends’
gardens, I realize that what I have is a garden full of memories. They
go back to my earliest days when I had a gardening business in
Victoria called Forget Me Not Gardening, and I was taking care of 30
gardens. That meant I got to know my plants pretty fast, and some
were more arresting than others.
Margaret Gordon was a 95-year old spinster living in the same house
she had grown up in, in Oak Bay. One day I walked into her backyard
where the sight of Iris ochroleuca, a 5-foot tall, yellow and cream
spuria iris in full bloom stopped me in my tracks. Today I enjoy the
same elegant iris every spring, and I think back to Margaret and her
cat Monty (because of course I had to have a section!)
Michelle was a regular customer at my Garden Path Nursery in
Victoria and one day she invited me for tea in her cottage garden.
There I discovered she had an extensive peony collection and she
insisted I come back in fall and dig out some tubers from every one
of them for my garden. Michelle told me she had been diagnosed
with an incurable illness and had to move, and she wanted to leave
me a legacy of her peony collection. Every spring when my peonies
bloom I thank Michelle and her partner Allan for that moment of
generosity and think of them.
The True Solomon’s Seal (Polygonatum spp.) blooming outside the
living room window where we often sit reminds me of the day Joyce
came bounding down the driveway with a huge clump of it in her
arms. “Do you want some?” It’s now one of my favourites in the early
spring garden as it displays its fronds of drooping white bells under
the shade of the Douglas Fir tree.
I am relieved to see Jackie’s raspberries made it through this tough
winter. Jackie lives in downtown Victoria and borrows her
neighbours’ gardens to grow more food and have a small flock of
chickens. Her everbearing raspberries spread under her fence to the
garden next door, so now everyone has a share of the picking. There
are always plenty of canes to share too. I love the fact that you get
two crops a year from them, one in June/July and an even better one
in September/October. Plenty for fresh eating and freezing for winter
Once upon a time I was the Head Gardener at Point Ellice House in
Victoria, a restored two-acre Victorian garden on the Gorge. One day
while cutting back an overgrown area in the kitchen garden I
discovered a small current bush. I took cuttings from it and am now
in the possession of the extant heritage blackcurrant bush from this
historic site. Every year my blackcurrant produces three times more
currants than the modern varieties growing next to it, and I think of
the O’Reilly family who lived in this home from 1867 to 1975, where
they grew an extensive kitchen garden for all their fruits and
I moved these plants with me when I moved so that the memory of
my life before would be preserved. The years flash by, people come
and go, but the memories are stored and preserved forever.
Sometimes it’s hard to believe when you look back at the past that
you even did all these things. A garden is a wonderful way to remind
you of wonderful memories from the passage of time.
Carolyn Herriot is author of The Zero Mile Diet and The Zero Mile Diet Cookbook Available at your local bookstore. She grows IncrEdibles! in Yellow Point.
See all articles by Carolyn Herriot