Supporting Local Farmers & Food Sources has always been committed to supporting local farmers and agriculture. We take immense pride in Vancouver Island’s communities,and we’ve written often about local food security and the ‘100-mile diet’. We’ve shared Lana Popham thoughts, (who we are pleased to see is stepping back into the role of Minister of Agriculture and Food), and we list and feature local food and farmers. Now, with ongoing trade uncertainties, there is a renewed social and political push to prioritize shopping locally. The Importance of Supporting Local Agriculture Choosing local produce...
Read MoreLetter to Dr. Robert Jeffress
President Donald Trump’s Evangelical Advisor Words are powerful. Our words change the world. With words, you can seek understanding, foster peace, and pursue measured justice. With your words, you can damn a people to the fires of nuclear hell and stain your hands in their blood. Dr. Robert Jeffress, your words have me questioning whether you follow the God you claim to believe in. Are you a Christian, or are you a wolf covered in the sheep’s clothing of patriotism in the name of protecting your country? Behind the façade, you are encouraging brinkmanship in your president; a...
Read MoreIntroducing Tracie Keene.
A Canadian Designer for Women PatrYka is proud to offer a Canadian designed line of women’s wear out of Vancouver. The company is ORB, and they are committed to a trend influenced design that is both comfortable and practical. One of company drivers is Tracie Keene, a Vancouver born clothing designer who has dedicated herself to customer focused excellence. Tracie joined ORB after an already long and distinguished career as a designer. She got her start, after completing a degree program in design, by working with local clothing manufacturers – first Kensie Clothing, then Narcissist...
Read MoreOur P. M. is Playing It Right!
The differences of opinion between my older brother and I best characterize the growing philosophical division between Canada and America. Several years ago, my brother applied for a position with a U.S. company. His high-tech skill set and managerial experience, (and his Canadian-ness), made him an extremely attractive prospect, and he was snapped up. For decades, America’s educational system has fallen far short in training sufficient numbers of people for high tech jobs, and American companies have resorted to bringing in foreign workers to fill their needs. Canadians have always been...
Read MoreAmerica’s Electile Dysfunction
The world watched amazed when Donald Trump pulled off a stunning election upset, defying polls that generally agreed he was not going to win. Everyone thought Hillary Clinton was a shoo-in. After all, she had the support of the larger part of the media, the establishment, the business community… she even had the endorsement of the current President! What we saw instead was the complete and utter repudiation of the established political system by a large, overlooked segment of America: The Rural, blue collar worker. Proven terribly wrong, the political pundits and talking heads licked their...
Read MoreGut It Out, Get Writing
It’s what we push ourselves to do when we really don’t want to do it that refines our sense of self-esteem and makes the real difference in our journey. Take going to the gym: I’ve always disliked it. My father always said, “Son, why don’t you go outside and mow the lawn or play a school sport instead of going to the gym?” I agreed with him. Only later in life did I discover the solid science behind resistance exercise. Combined with a good diet and regular sleep, it’s the fountain of youth! Most people know it, but many won’t do it. God knows I tried. I started and quit so...
Read MoreWomen Love Travel More
If you are wondering why a man is writing about travelling women, it’s because all the women in my family seem to be travelling and I’m compelled to speak out! My mom is heading back to the Bahamas with her friends – all women. Yesterday she called to let me know where her important documents are stored in the event of an emergency. She ended her conversation by saying “I’ll be back in about thirty days, Sweetheart.” “Uh, OK Mom,” I said. “Thanks for the call. I love you and I guess I’ll see you in a month.” She was so excited I couldn’t get another word in...
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