
Variable rate

Posted by on Jul 15, 2018 in Business, Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, Finance, General, Real Estate | 0 comments

Variable rate

 This Spring we’re seeing lenders getting aggressive with their pricing for variable rate mortgages: a sign that lenders are fighting for market share, making it a great time to be shopping for a mortgage! First a reminder of the difference between fixed vs variable. Fixed rates are often well suited to first-time buyers or those who haven’t owned a home for long because they want to know with absolute certainty what their payment will be for a set number of years. A variable mortgage has an interest rate that will move in conjunction with your lender’s Prime rate, which in turn tracks...

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Mystic Mountain

Posted by on Jun 29, 2018 in Business, Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, General | 3 comments

Mystic Mountain

It was not April Fool’s Day. Nor was I the victim of someone’s cruel joke. Yet there is no explanation for what happened on that July 13th in 1977. I was in my thirtieth year. I had travelled some by then and was familiar with various lifestyles, various human foibles, wisdom and stupidity, yet nothing in my life to date had prepared me for what I encountered on that walk up the side of Mystic Mountain. Mystic Mountain was on the outskirts of the village where we had recently settled; a quiet rural setting with clean water, clear skies, fresh air, lots of nature to explore. On this rare...

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B.C. Seniors Advocate Reminds

Posted by on Apr 22, 2018 in Business, Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, Finance, General | 0 comments

B.C. Seniors Advocate Reminds

It is tax time again and the B.C. Seniors Advocate is reinforcing the need for seniors in the province to file tax returns, even if they think they do not make enough income to file. “Seniors may not know that there are several subsidies and tax credits they may be eligible for that are dependent on completed tax returns,” said Isobel Mackenzie. “This is particularly important for low-income seniors who may be missing out on subsidies and tax credits that could help them financially,” Mackenzie added. “The good news is, most government programs that are income based are linked to...

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All-Female Taxi Service

Posted by on Mar 26, 2018 in Business, Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, General | 0 comments

All-Female Taxi Service

This is a really appealing concept. The goal is to help women feel comfortable Driving around in her taxi, Tammy Hogg feels she’s in her safe place. Over the past two years, since she started driving a taxi for a company in Sooke, she’s encountered a range of people on a daily basis. Transporting customers to and from their destinations has brought the self-professed introvert outside of her comfort zone and has made her more outgoing. Being in the cab is like her safety bubble and she enjoys making others feel safe as well. Now, the Sooke resident, alongside Shelley Evans and Balbir Rai,...

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Welcome!  Gabriola is my home. 

Posted by on Feb 7, 2018 in Business, Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, General, Real Estate | 0 comments

Welcome!  Gabriola is my home. 

 I would love to share where I live with you as your REALTOR® and your friend, specializing in all things Gabriola.  You can count on me. As you move through my web site, you’ll find a store-house of resources.  Photos tell it all.  We are a vibrant island full to the brim with just about every product and service you can imagine, and yet we’re decided to live here, a 20 minute ferry ride from downtown Nanaimo.  And, you might ask why?  To this I would ask you to come and find out!   Gabriola will surprise you.  Life on Gabriola can be as laid-back or solitary as you’d...

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Income Tax Alternatives

Posted by on Apr 9, 2017 in Business, Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, Finance, General | 0 comments

Income Tax Alternatives

If you are filing a personal tax return for 2016, you should know by now, or shortly, if you owe Canada Revenue Agency money or if they will be sending you a cheque. You are probably pleased if you are receiving a refund instead of having to pay, but the less you receive as a refund from CRA, the better. You don’t want CRA to use your money all year and then pay you back your money without interest. If you make regular RRSP contributions throughout the year, you can complete a form with your payroll department at work to reduce the amount of tax that is deducted from each of your...

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Should I update my logo?

Posted by on Feb 16, 2017 in Business, Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, General | 0 comments

Should I update my logo?

This is a good question and it really depends on many factors. If you no longer feel that your logo reflects your business as you grow and expand then probably you should. On the flipside, if you have a strong logo brand right from the get-go then you might do more harm than good if you update your logo. You know that feeling when you’ve just put a fresh coat of paint in that special room in your home? We all love that crisp clean look, it makes us feel better. And the same thing applies for your logo. The rule of thumb if you want to rebrand your businesses is keep the changes to a...

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Life Insurance.

Posted by on Feb 5, 2017 in Business, Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, Finance, General | 0 comments

Life Insurance.

Women who don’t work outside the home do not need life insurance. Women should let men decide if and how much life insurance they need for themselves. Women should let their significant other handle all of the finances. Okay, I am certain some of you immediately realized I am saying the opposite of what is true, but, unfortunately the mindset that ‘women don’t need to worry their pretty little heads about that’ is still around, although not as prevalent as years ago. Too many families rely mainly on the male’s life insurance policy; this does not factor a woman’s contribution to...

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Rockin’ Risotto.

Posted by on Jan 30, 2017 in Business, Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, Food, General | 0 comments

Rockin’ Risotto.

Nick Misura returned to his native Cowichan Valley a few years ago with a goal of settling down and enjoying his retirement. However, Nick’s love of cooking, good food and a restlessness to do something fun and creative soon took over. Rockin’ Risotto was born in 2015 and Nick has been converting customers to this delicious side-dish ever since! The idea to make packaged risotto came from Nick’s wife, an active member of the Duncan Farmers’ Market’s board of directors. Together, they started testing and tasting different ingredient mixes to come up with recipes which would later...

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THC, CBD, and Cannabinoids

Posted by on Jan 15, 2017 in Business, Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, General | 0 comments

THC, CBD, and Cannabinoids

As we head towards full legalization, we are starting to see the views of society starting to change in regards to cannabis. Every day, new research is being developed and we are finding more and more uses for this extraordinary plant that has grown alongside human kind for a millennium. Current research has shown there are many different properties to cannabis, many of which are known as cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are the active compounds within cannabis that result in both the psychoactive, as well as medicinal effects, of the plant. There are over 500 natural compounds within cannabis, and...

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Thank You So Much

Posted by on Jan 4, 2017 in Business, Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, General | 0 comments

Thank You So Much

2016 was a fantastic year for our 3 web sites. Collectively , and had 264,309 visitors who opened 865,916 pages which is just incredible!!!!! All 3 sites are focused  solely on Vancouver Island which goes to show the interest people have on this island paradise of ours. In an age when web sites come and go in the blink of an eye we have stood the test of time. Google loves us, and the top quality of our content ensures that our readers return again and again. We owe a huge vote of thanks to our advertisers for their...

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Posted by on Dec 27, 2016 in Business, Featured Slider Posts, Finance, General | 0 comments


The holidays are approaching and 2016 will quickly be in the past. You still have time to do this year-end checklist for retirement plans; RRSPs (Registered Retirement Savings Plans), RRIFs (Registered Retirement Income Plans) and TFSAs (Tax Free Savings Accounts). 1) If you are planning a withdrawal from your TFSA in early 2017, do it now – you will be able to recontribute the amount anytime next year, instead of waiting until 2018 if you withdraw in 2017. 2) If you are 65 or older and do not have a pension to be able to claim the $2000 pension credit on your tax return, consider...

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hOMe Grown Living Foods

Posted by on Dec 14, 2016 in Business, Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, Food, Gardening, General | 0 comments

hOMe Grown Living Foods

Not many people can say they have successfully built their company by putting lifestyle before profit. However Shani Cranston and Willy McBride, of hOMe Grown Living Foods, are an example of a local business that has managed to balance their entrepreneurial spirits with a deep reverence for Mother Nature. “Nourishing people is our passion, and living a balanced life is one of our core values,” explains Shani, Chief Formulator for hOMe Grown.  It is truly impressive how much Shani is invested in her work. She started producing her delicious and healthy snacks over eight years ago after...

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Benefits of a Graphic Designer

Posted by on Dec 8, 2016 in Business, Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, General | 0 comments

Benefits of a Graphic Designer

When you have an idea but you just don’t know how to make it come to life, that’s exactly what a graphic design professional will do for you. They will listen to your ideas, you know your business better than anyone else, and this is the place to start. The designer will then work with you to come up with concepts that work within your budget and business plan. Another huge benefit of using a graphic designer is the fact that they are a one-stop source of services for your businesses. For instance, you are starting up your own business or updating the look of an existing one and you need...

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Keeping Wills Current

Posted by on Dec 4, 2016 in Business, Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, Finance, General | 0 comments

Keeping  Wills Current

Many things have changed since the ‘good old days’ but, unfortunately, some things haven’t. My Dad died overnight at age 57 from a massive heart attack; to say it was unexpected is an understatement. We were terribly unprepared, both emotionally and estate wise. My Dad had a will, but it needed updating, and everything was in my Dad’s name. The estate took almost a year and a half to settle, and, in the meantime, my Mom had never written a cheque or paid a bill in her life. I talk to many women and couples – it still surprises me how often wills are not done or updated, or, the...

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More Women in Leadership

Posted by on Nov 27, 2016 in Business, Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, General | 0 comments

More Women in Leadership

Last week we got closer than ever before to electing the first woman President, and millions of young girls across the country have been emboldened to dream even bigger and see no role as out of their reach. Despite the progress made by Hillary Clinton’s historic candidacy, the campaign has forced us to reckon with issues of gender bias that emerged in the national dialogue – from tone of voice, to stamina, to what a leader “looks” like, to how the media covers gender. The sadness, anger, and motivation that women across the country are now dealing with are familiar, as we have been...

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