
Keep Super Computer Humming

Posted by on Nov 15, 2016 in Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, Food, Gardening, General, Health & Wellness | 0 comments

Keep Super Computer Humming

It’s a fact that as you get older bodily functions slow down and parts don’t work as well as they once did. As I approach my ‘golden years’ I want to make sure that the years ahead are indeed golden, so I recently signed up for a one year diploma at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition in Nanaimo. I support their credo that the body is qualified to heal itself with a healthy whole foods diet and good lifestyle choices and I want to find out more. The 80:20 ratio of healthy to not that healthy works best for me. Fanaticism is no fun. It is recommended to limit intake of...

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Ode to John Hellum.

Posted by on Oct 9, 2016 in Business, Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, Food, General, The Arts | 0 comments

Ode to John Hellum.

John Hellum was larger than life in every possible way, physically, mentally and gastronomically. Unfortunately for us John has died and has left us poor mortals for that ultimate kitchen in the sky. The patrons there will soon learn to recognise and love the man in the hat just as we did. Fortunately as long as there is one person here that knew him, John will live on. His swagger,  his story telling ability, his incredible knowledge base on all things, his kind and gentle heart and his rapier like wit will never leave us. Fortunately we can also still experience the essence of John...

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Code’s Corner Organic Farm

Posted by on Sep 30, 2016 in Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, Food, Gardening, General | 0 comments

Code’s Corner Organic Farm

 Farming with a purpose .  Certified as an organic farm, Code’s Corner is run by the very energetic and charming Denise Code and her husband Bill. Denise, a former dietitian and Bill, a doctor, are very passionate about what they are doing. It is little wonder that health and well-being are what drive their farming philosophy; they have made it their vocation to provide healthy organic food to the residents of the Cowichan Valley. Code’s Corner Organic Farm’s journey started in 1993, when the couple decided to move to Vancouver Island. They named the 7 and ½ acres farm after...

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On The Garden Path

Posted by on Sep 21, 2016 in Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, Food, Gardening, General | 1 comment

On The Garden Path

The Season for Winter Squash. We know fall has arrived when piles of colourful squash start gathering at the roadside stands. Last year I enjoyed spectacular display at McNabs Farm, where Farmer McNab told me he was growing 100 different varieties of squash, 50 of which were pumpkins, and that he had shopped the world for the seeds. I was quite amazed to discover them sold out by end of the growing season – Canadians sure love their squash! We grew a good selection of winter squash on the farm this year – butternuts and buttercups, spaghetti and acorn, red kuri, Turk’s turban,...

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Glen Eden Organic Farm

Posted by on Aug 14, 2016 in Business, Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, Food, General | 0 comments

Glen Eden Organic Farm

  Certified Delicious!  Originally from London, UK Howard and Sally Green met in Toronto where they were both working in an advertising agency. Interestingly they discovered that they shared a common interest for gardening. They left Toronto, turning their caps towards the West Coast in search of a quieter life. Soon their gardening interest took over and retirement plans of sunbathing, traveling or resting on their laurels quickly turned into a farming frenzy. The 8 ½ acre property located on Cowichan Lake Rd, was acquired in 2002 and a great amount of work and effort as well as extensive...

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Oma’s Pflaumen Kuchen

Posted by on Aug 13, 2016 in Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, Food, General | 2 comments

Oma’s Pflaumen Kuchen

Granny’s Plum Slice.This is one of my summer favourites, my Grans used to have a farm and we had an Orchard, including plum trees.  Oma used to make a plum cake baked in a tray from the first batch that we pulled off of the trees, it’s the best – Oma’s baking always was. This particular sheet cake is not sickening sweet, it preserves the tartness of the plums and the dough is rather dense. You can add ground filberg nut flour to give it that special nutty touch         You will need: 250gr. Unsalted butter 200gr. Sugar 2 eggs 1 lemon zested 3ml Vanilla Pure...

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Perfect for afternoon tea …

Posted by on Aug 7, 2016 in Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, Food, General | 2 comments

Perfect for afternoon tea …

A little while ago, over on Local Loves Nanaimo, I made a TON of pumpkin puree using fresh local pumpkin and decided to have a baking marathon. So far I’ve shared my pumpkin pie recipe as well as my twist on the classic roasted pumpkin seeds. Well today, I’m going to show you how to make pumpkin bread! I’ve never made pumpkin bread, or even tasted it, before this! But I had it in my mind that it was the same as banana bread, only with pumpkin. My educated guess was right! This festive autumnal loaf is super moist, with the right amount of pumpkin and spice (and everything nice!). It’s...

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 Fresh from the Cowichan Valley!

Posted by on Jun 18, 2016 in Business, Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, Food, Gardening, General | 0 comments

 Fresh from the Cowichan Valley!

The 8 ½ Acres Farm is located just North of the Highway 18, this family farm has it all. Mike Shelten and Talyn Martin grow various seasonal fruits and vegetables all year long. Among their usual products you may find garlic scapes, greens and beans, berries, herbs and many more! Although farming isn’t an easy job and working in this line of business means constantly facing new and unpredictable challenges, adapting to fluctuating weather conditions, and working long hours, these charming farmers enjoy the lifestyle farming offers. The fact that they are able to spend their days...

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Miso Marinated Ling Cod

Posted by on Jun 4, 2016 in Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, Food, General | 0 comments

Miso Marinated Ling Cod

I came across this fish dish working for Oceania Cruise Lines, We originally used Black Cod, it was the second course in a 5 course promotional luncheon put on for the Italian press in Venice that visited the ship while in port – Yes Cruise Lines promote their ships when ever possible. I really liked it because of its simplicity, the Miso marinade really complements the Fish’s natural flavour. In the original it was served wrapped in a banana leaf with Sticky sushi rice as a side Miso Marinated Ling Cod & Spiced Vegetable Couscous for 4 Ingredients 900gr Fresh Ling Cod filet...

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Lawn to Food

Posted by on May 27, 2016 in Business, Featured Slider Posts, Food, Gardening, General, Health & Wellness, Lifestyles | 0 comments

Lawn to Food

It’s a very unsuspecting location to find Lynda Smith’s business. In the middle of a Comox neighborhood where homes sit on lots not much larger than a quarter acre, an active vegetable farm is in production year-round. Lynda, founder and operator of Lawn to Food, is immersed in a small business that not only brings fresh, organic and plentiful food to her family’s table, but allows her to educate and coach others to do the same all while sharing the fruits of her labour for others to enjoy. “We had always gown food but I was always the one doing it and the one preparing it and I...

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Estrogen & Progesterone

Posted by on Mar 7, 2016 in Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, Food, General, Health & Wellness | 0 comments

Estrogen & Progesterone

As the level of wisdom appears to increase for women over the years, (aka aging), the level of estrogen production gradually begins to decrease. During a woman’s reproductive years, estrogen and progesterone levels are programmed to support the possibility of reproduction. When estrogen, progesterone (and testosterone) are in the groove, they are in a harmonious balancing act. The amount of each hormone produced depends on a complex feedback system to the brain. Stress, and diet affect that feedback mechanism and it can throw that hormonal dance offbeat. The role of progesterone is critical...

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Happy Hormone Health

Posted by on Jan 7, 2016 in Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, Food, General, Health & Wellness | 0 comments

Happy Hormone Health

Nutrition and hormone balance is one of my favorite subjects because not many people realize that we can use our own mouth to send a message … not that kind of message. The food you eat sends messages to your hormones. Hormones are the messengers for all functions of the body, from heartbeat to libido. I’d like to think the Cabernet I so enjoy is speaking to me in sultry passionate whispers … A diet that is high in refined carbohydrates (white bread and rice, alcohol, sugars of all kinds, or straight up candy – to name a few) sends some messages to our hormones that are not very nice....

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Stress Is An Inside Job

Posted by on Dec 7, 2015 in Food, Health & Wellness | 0 comments

Stress Is An Inside Job

Taking care of your health through the holidays will help you to cope with the stress that is sometimes associated with this festive season. Well look no further than your kitchen cupboards because there are many proactive steps you can take to have a healthy and happy holiday season. Although we can’t always control the external environment, we do get a say when it comes to our response – particularly to stress. It is our response that has the greatest impact on health. When we experience a stressful situation, the “fight or flight” hormone called cortisol is released from the...

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Local Sourcing Brings Rewards

Posted by on Nov 6, 2015 in Business, Food | 0 comments

Local Sourcing Brings Rewards

Scott DiGuistini and Merissa Myles set out on a five year business plan to bring wholesome, high quality food to the community while doing their part in land stewardship in support of local agriculture farming. Yet, in less than three years, the Comox Valley couple surpassed their goals and have taken their business, Tree Island Gourmet Yogurt, to a whole new level. Production has grown beyond the ‘mom and pop’ shop initially set on their Old Island Highway site to become a yogurt supplier for top restaurants, to 125 independent and franchise grocers on Vancouver Island, now with the...

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Cider Is The New Beer?

Posted by on Oct 26, 2015 in Food, Real Estate | 0 comments

Cider Is The New Beer?

Right under my very nose … I had driven by many times and had thought to myself, “Oh! What industrious people who’ve moved onto Gabriola.” New barn – impressive! Planting acres of apple trees and cultivating 25 varieties of apples seemed an enormous venture to me, the drive-by observer. Ravenskill Orchards has been tending, grafting and watering over the past few years and has evolved into the most expansive pedestrian orchard ever, right here on Gabriola. Keith and Martie Mackenzie saw the dream. They bought 27 acres of undeveloped land in 2002. Through clearing and cleaning,...

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Farmers’ Markets Go Online

Posted by on Oct 3, 2015 in Food | 0 comments

Farmers’ Markets Go Online

As a farmer’s daughter it was only natural that I would be a part of the “back to the earth” movement here on the Island in the 70s. I have always promoted local farmers and their products, and I am delighted to learn of the COW-OP group here in the Cowichan area. I support them and their concept totally and encourage others to do the same.   Trish SummerhayesOwner/Publisher Island         Buy Local! Buy Fresh! – A farmers market meets the internet for convenient year-round shoppingOnline shoppers in the Cowichan region are...

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