Casey Mulcaster

Demystifying Fear

Posted | 6 comments

Casey Mulcaster is a Registered Aromatherapist ®, Essential Oil Therapist ®, Certified Aromatherapy Instructor, Certified Foot Reflexologist and Advanced Sekhem Practitioner. With the motto, "your wellness is my passion", Casey is dedicated to helping her clients and students achieve their greatest well-being. Most of her treatment offerings originate from Ancient Egypt which has held a lifelong fascination for her.

It is the middle of the night and I am awake – again. Like many people, I have a thousand thoughts rolling around in my mind and most of them are fear based. What is fear anyway? 1. to be afraid of something or someone. 2. to expect or worry about something bad or unpleasant. 3. to be afraid and worried. Hmmm … I think I’ll take door #3.

Fear, like any other negatively perceived emotion such as anger, cannot be defined without referencing the more pleasant or positive emotions such as bliss or happiness. So why do we run from it? I have decided to run towards it and dig in. What if you were to really allow yourself to experience whatever is causing you the greatest fear? Where would that take you and how bad would it really be?

I decided to walk into my personal fears armed with some of my trusted friends: juniper (Juniperus communis) essential oil for clarity, frankincense (Boswellia neglecta) for protection, and rose (Rosa centifolia) for forgiveness. Here we go …

One of my greatest fears is not being able to sustain and support myself and others. This is the most prevalent one that keeps me up some nights. Juniper helps clarify that I don’t trust in the universe fully to provide and that I need to tap in to my primal self.  It gives me the realization that I have been supported, continue to be supported and will be supported. It helps to cut through my doubts about my ability to provide my basic needs. It reminds me that at my core, I have the ability to forge ahead and that I offer something valuable.

As I walk this road, I always feel the need for my old friend, the one who never lets me down, who protects me and heals me. Frankincense provides not only the grounding that I need for courage, but also a connection to the divine source. When I am scared, it is there to hold my hand. Everything is going to be alright and now I can work with the spaces in between. However, it is firm in its compassion and forces me to look at the parts of myself that I deem to be dark. It forces the truth about who I truly am, what my motivations are and why I am really here.

And in walks rose … letting me know that it is okay to be scared and human. It is hard to be a woman, to be strong and feminine within a single heartbeat … to be the provider, the nurturer, the planner, the healer and the warrior, all the while in red lipstick with a serene gaze and perfect hair. Rose lets me know that I can smear my lipstick and mess up my hair … that perfection exists within imperfection … that the greatest of healers have known the depths of despair. And I have indeed. And it is going to be just fine ….



Casey Mulcaster_featuredCasey Mulcaster
Amarna Holistic Centre
Email Casey





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  1. I’ve heard a few definitions of fear.
    Forget Everything and Run
    and Feeling Excited and Ready.
    Sometimes it feels like I chose the first one and when I am tuned in properly I chose the second definition of fear. We have to honor the feeling and acknowledge it but try to move out of it as quickly as possible. Fear or love – our moment to moment choice.

    • Many thanks for your feedback, Karen!

  2. Nice article, especially the closing paragraph. I feel that in myself and see it in so many of our gender and generation

    • Thanks so much!

  3. Without fear we would have no courage ⚡️

    • Absolutely! I believe in experiencing all emotions and honoring them. : )

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