Trish Summerhayes

In the middle of Everywhere

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I am a wife, a mother and a grandmother; and spent my whole working life as a nurse. I was a "ban the bomber" in London in the sixties and a part of the back to earth movement of the seventies here on Vancouver Island. These experiences have made me who I am. I am me. I am an Island Woman. In retirement I now enjoy even more being an Island Woman.

It was December in 2008. My family and I, including kids and dogs piled ourselves and “Christmas” into a borrowed van and headed off on an amazing adventure. We began by driving several hours over a mountain pass. A bit nerve wracked, we arrived safely in the small fishing town of Tofino, on the west coast of Vancouver Island in the wilds of Canada.

On a big, ‘ol clunky fishing boat, we travelled for several more hours, northwest toward Hot Springs Cove and Cougar Annie’s Garden to a small floating house in a bay somewhere in the middle of Everywhere.

In this exquisite wilderness we created Christmas together, enjoying the simple pleasure of each other’s company with no phones, televisions or computers. We could hear our own laughter ringing across the bay and sometimes the echo of a verse or two of a Christmas carol. We enjoyed adventures by boat, one of which was to search the shores for just the right Christmas tree. Cards and board games filled our days when we returned to our cozy warm floating cottage. We decorated our little tree with coloured paper, found treasures and cookies. White paper snowflakes twirled in all the windows and we created fun party hats to wear for dinner. Smells of savory and sweet filled the air as we ate and drank an array of yummy treats. We fished off the front porch and just loved each other and our time together. Christmas Eve unfolded into a sweet, cozy, lovely candle-lit sanctuary, the windows and bay around us reflecting our contentment.

On Christmas morning I arose early, leaving everyone snuggled in their beds. In boots and coat, I found myself out on the porch collecting the kindling to begin setting a fire. The night had brought snow. My exclamation of wonder and joy echoed across the stillness of the bay, as this was the view that took my breath away that Christmas morning, and still does each time I look upon this photograph. This year was the best Christmas of my life.

Marcella Andrews


Marcella Andrews is a naturalist at heart with a tremendous love of the outdoors. She loves the West Coast, where her heart and soul resonate with the mountains and the sea. She is an avid gardener, and takes inspiration from nature in all her majesty. Taking photographs of the natural world gives her great pleasure. In the beauty of nature, lies the spirit of hope…


Editor’s Note: Island Woman is interested in hearing more stories about magical Christmas moments and unique holiday celebrations on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. If you have a special Christmas memory to share, please email us at


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  1. Hi Marcella,

    Thank you for sending me your article!
    It must have been a magical Christmas!

    Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas and the
    Best of wishes for the New Year!

    Cathy xo

  2. Thank you, Marcella, for sharing this unique Christmas memory and stunning photo with the rest of us!

    • Thank you so much Judy, for your kind comment. This year remains my best Christmas ever. All the best to you…Marcella

  3. Thank you so much June. It is, indeed, a memory I will always hold in my heart…

  4. What a beautiful,sweet memory,Marcella.

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