The Thursday Writers

On the Horizon

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The Thursday writers meet weekly in a public library. We collect twenty minute prompts, mostly one sentence long, draw a prompt at random, then write furiously and read our work to the group. Sharing writing information such as workshops, books, and readings we've been to have kept us current on what's happening in our neighbourhood. Our focus as writers has grown and now this new venture with the Island Woman Magazine is very exciting. We plan on a once monthly submission, rotating writers throughout the year. We are having lots of writing fun!

Her heart swelled with gratitude as she watched the sun glint on the great expanse of blue, rolling ocean.

The sand shushed beneath her toes as small pebbles rolled and bounced in the drag of the waves.

 With a deep breath, Ashley swept her arms above her head and took a long delicious stretch, savouring the fragrant Maui breeze.

Life of late had been slammed with meetings, stressful phone calls from Corporate Suits and clients needing her attention now, now, now! When she started her small Interior Design company, she had not dared to dream that within 5 years she would have staff and be hosting a T.V. show focused on transforming tired living spaces into beautiful rooms.

As she watched boats on the horizon and birds dancing above the waves, she reminded herself to have faith that her assistants could handle work while she got a tan, read trashy novels and guzzled Mojitos around the pool.

Turning her attention away from the sea, Ashley began to stroll across the long expanse of shimmering sand. It was early but the temperature was already rising.

A young girl in a bright orange swimsuit with blue swimming bands around her upper arms and a yellow hat strapped around her chin wobbled towards the water, clapping with glee as her mother walked just behind.

Ashley smiled and gave the girl a little wave, which was answered with a cheeky grin and bright laughter.

Ashley’s heart banged in her chest with a painful thump and she swore her uterus launched a wail deep inside.

She wanted that.

She wanted chubby arms wrapped around her, sweet kisses after story time and shining eyes in a face that looked like hers.

As satisfied as she was with her career, she wanted more.

She yearned for strong arms around her as she fell asleep and a family of her own. At the age of 32, Ashley was ready to settle down with a man and create a life filled with love and children like her friend Lena.

But it had become painfully obvious though a series of bad dates that it was not as simple as wanting it.

She was beginning to think divine intervention would be the only way and was trying to be patient.

Unfortunately, patience had never really been her strength.

She was more of a “goget-‘em” type. With a deep sigh she thought, if only she could generate an order on her computer and two days later her dreams were shipped in the mail, she would click submit in the beat of a heart.

She closed her eyes and sent a wish instead.


Written by Tammi Carto

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  1. Good story, Tammi! Love your picture too and your sidekick.


    • Thanks Marta! And yes, she is a great sidekick!

  2. Hi Tammi loved your story. How true this must be now for so many women. Nicely done Barbara Thursday writer

    • Thank=You Barb!

      • oops, typo! Thank-You Barb!

  3. That is a sweet story, Tammi. I hope her dreams come true very soon!
    Welcome to the Thursday Writers group.
    Best regards, Chris Beryl

    • Thank-You Chris!

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