“Never marry a person with bent toes” I heard many years ago. A bent toe always means the Chi-flow is somewhere in the body impeded. The cause can be physical or emotional. Over time that might have effects on our health.
Two stories
The first one was somebody I saw when I worked for Home Support. When I had spare time I rubbed her feet. The big toe was bent over the next one. I could feel something strange in the big toe and said to the daughter. “There is something not right on the left side of your mother’s brain”. “Yes, the brain is shrinking on that side” was her answer.
The big toe of the second woman was bent and rubbed constantly on the next one. It was bleeding and every step was very painful. The Orthopedic surgeon said only solution would be surgery. The toe had to be straightened out with the help of a steel pin.
I gave her two Reconnective Healing® sessions in person and two distance sessions. The toe straightened out and is still straight – nearly three years later.
The testimonial is in German and English on my website more towards the end of http://energy-all-around.com/testimonials
The reason for the bending was the blocked Chi-flow in the liver meridian. The liver is connected to the emotion of anger. Obviously she is now more at ease with her life situation which is still the same. Because there is no anger the toe is still straight.
She is the partner of my Ex-husband. We three went to the same school and I really like her and know the stress she is exposed to.
My advice: when one of your toes starts to bend go to an Acupuncturist or an Acupressurist who will balance the Chi-flow.
Anna Christine Doehring
Energy All Around Healing
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