Sarah Elspeth

5 fantastic daily habits to help you achieve permanent weight loss after 40. 

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Sarah Elspeth is a Counsellor, Coach, Holistic Nutritionist, Yoga teacher, and Freelance Alternative Health Writer. For over ten years, she has combined counselling, nutrition, yoga, and somatic bodywork to help women overcome a variety of issues including anxiety, chronic pain, and other health-related issues such as weight gain. Sarah believes that women need to slow down and make themselves a priority. She feels that by addressing underlying issues and teaching them life-changing tools, they can connect to joy, balance, and optimal health.

Trying to lose weight after 40 can feel like torture even for the healthiest person. You may feel you’re doing all the right things, yet you can’t figure out why the weight keeps piling on. It can be confusing and frustrating trying every trick you see online only to be disappointed.  But there is something you may not be taking into consideration. It is the things you are doing every day that potentially contribute to your weight gain. It could be as simple as making small changes for a considerable impact. Imagine it’s as easy as making minor adjustments to your routine to see the changes you desire.  Incorporating these five daily habits can help you accomplish weight loss after 40.

Go to bed early. Get up early. 

If you’ve been a perpetual night owl, it may be time to reassess your lifestyle. Late nights are directly linked to increased weight gain, particularly belly fat. You are more susceptible to carbohydrate cravings and late-night eating when you burn the midnight oil. This is because your body makes ghrelin, the hunger hormone, causing you to crave carb and fat-rich foods, a disaster for any weight loss goals. In contrast, when you hit the sheets earlier, your body produces a hormone called leptin which naturally curbs your appetite. Getting up early is equally as important as getting to bed at a decent time. Early risers tend to stick to a morning workout routine, have better moods, and have fewer sugar cravings in the day because of their regulated sleep cycle. 

Eat Protein at breakfast.

One of the best and most practical ways to lose weight after 40 is to eat protein at breakfast. Starting your day with a protein-rich meal keeps you from overeating throughout the day by curbing your appetite. Compared to fat and carbs, your body uses more calories to metabolize protein. This makes it the essential nutrient you need to hit your weight loss goals. The other excellent benefits of starting your day with a protein-rich meal include increased metabolism and long-lasting energy throughout the day. 

Drink green tea instead of coffee. 

If losing weight is your goal, you may want to ditch the coffee in exchange for a steaming cup of green tea. Green tea has been touted as a weight-loss superstar for a while and there are some excellent reasons why. Its been proven to boost fat oxidation, increase metabolic rate, and even affects insulin activity. Also, you don’t have to drink a gallon of the stuff to get the amazing weight loss benefits. Only two and a half cups a day will give you the results you desire. Besides weight loss, green tea has many other incredible health benefits, including brain health and anti-cancer compounds. Make sure to get a high-quality whole leaf tea or matcha for the best results. 

Meditate 10 minutes a day. 

Meditation can be life-changing for many reasons but did you know it can also help you lose weight? The main reason is that meditation releases feel-good neurotransmitters, helping reduce feelings of depression and anxiety. Depression and anxiety are prevalent in the over 4o set and these issues often lead to carb cravings and overeating. By naturally boosting your pleasure chemicals through meditation, symptoms of depression and anxiety decrease. If you feel good through utilizing this practice, you’ll be less prone to destructive eating habits. Consequently, you’ll be a happier person and less likely to gain weight due to unhealthy eating patterns. 

Use the side plate for meals.

One of the simplest ways to decrease overall caloric intake is to use a side plate for meals. By using a smaller plate at meal times you will naturally eat less. With a dinner plate around 12 inches, a side plate will fit significantly less food at 9 inches. A large salad plus protein on a full-sized dinner plate can fit roughly 200 calories more than a side plate. If you think about it, that’s an extra 600 calories a day you could be decreasing by using a smaller plate. Downsizing your plate may be the golden key to continuous and permanent weight loss.

Can you commit to these 5 simple changes? 

There is an endless amount of information regarding weight loss after 40. It can feel overwhelming wading through it all to figure out what will work for you. Sometimes, the simplest changes you don’t consider make the biggest impact of all. Committing to these five incredible habits and making them a part of your life every day can give you the best chances of permanent weight loss after 40. 

Are you ready to get in to the best shape of your life after 40? Book a discovery now and let’s talk:


Sarah Elspeth is a Registered Counselor, Health Coach, Holistic Nutritionist, and Yoga Teacher. She is also a Freelance Alternative Health Writer and would love to help you with all your Content and Blogging needs.

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