Anna Christine Doehring

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

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Anna Christine Doehring , RHFP, CRP, had a lifelong interest in medicine, yet life had many other intentions. She came to Vancouver Island in 1989. Since 1995 she has been practicing Reflexology, JinShinDo®, CranioSacral®. and since 2007 Reconnective Healing®. This is seen as the leader in the growing field of Energy-Healthcare. She is a Reconnective Healing Foundational Practitioner™ and presently the only Certified Reconnection Practitioner™ on Vancouver Island. Because every symptom is like the tip of an iceberg, she writes mainly about the signs the body gives us that something is wrong and needs to be addressed.

What will it do to their brain … this is what I asked myself when I saw a few videos about the latest fundraising craze, the ALS Icebucket Challenge. Do people not know why we have health challenges such as arthritis, headaches, joint pain, strokes, tinnitus, and so on, as well as ALS, Alzheimer’s, Dementia and Parkinson’s?

We have these problems because some cells in a specific part of our body or in our brain are unable to communicate with each other.  This lack of communication, i.e. sending messages to each other, can be caused by many things, including stress, injuries, accidents, surgeries, chemicals, constant wrong posture, always sleeping on the same side and yes … shock.  Pouring ice-cold water over the head is a shock to all cells in the head and the brain!

Years ago during a practicum in a German hospital, I asked a lady with rheumatoid arthritis and horribly deformed hands what she believed to be the cause of her illness.  She replied “when I was four years old, I fell into a cold pond”.  In my opinion, she was right and while writing this article, I began to wonder about the Polar Bear Swim.

Talking about this with a German friend, she told me about the opinion of her sister who is a nurse and her husband who is a doctor. Both live in Germany and both are very upset about this latest ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.  In their opinion, there will be many with brain problems later in their life as a consequence.  I wonder whether they might be told that this is happening simply because they are getting older rather than because of events earlier in their life.

I am stunned how many ‘sheep’ are blindly following this trend only to show off.  In my view, when they want to donate money to ALS, it is better to do it without participating in this challenge and risking the health of their brain in later years.

Taken with permission of Anna Christine Doehring from her Blog.


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  1. Those were my exactly my thoughts, when I first saw this fundraising craze.
    What are the consequences of dumping ice and ice water over a person’s head? Thank you for addressing this Anna Christine.

    • Hi Karen,
      thank you so much … it is good to know that there are still people with a thinking brain. Nobody knows the consequences, but it might be dementia, ALS, Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s or a stroke.

      How did you discovered this website?

      All the best,
      Anna Christine

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