Gale Fernie


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Born in Scotland I was exposed to poetry at a young age, most of which was written for children.Later in Secondary School I was to have teachers whose love for words, meter and sound enriched our imaginations. The down side was that instead of writing lines as a punishment we had to copy poetry. To me writing is a puzzle to be solved...

When I was one, I knew that I could,
So, I struggled, and struggled, and miraculously stood,
At last, I could walk, which was to all to the good,
Then I started to talk.

When I was ten by manipulation, I found a way.
To control my parents come what may,
This unfortunately their nerves did fray,
At what I would be when a teen.

When I was fifteen, I was told If I worked that I might,
Enjoy the rewards academical, a future bright,
And for the rest of my life delight,
In an interesting career.

When I was twenty, I knew that I should,
Change my future path for I understood,
My childhood had been but a fleeting interlude,
And this now was life for real.

When I was twenty-two, I said I will,
And surprise, surprise I am with him still,
Our children, grand and great fulfil,
Our dreams.

When I was forty, I knew I must,
Loose weight and exercise, place my health first,
Put a percentage away in Canada trust,
But I had plenty of time.

At sixty, I could still,
Eat all sorts of exotic food and not feel ill,
Stand up, climb to the top of the hill,
But I was aware of a change.

At seventy I find I cannot do what I thought I could,
But I try to embrace old age with a serene attitude,
Learning to accept life with gratitude,
For all this world’s wonderful gifts.

At eighty I shall do what I want,
If I am stopped forever, you I shall haunt.
For some dark and stormy night,
Trying to fill you with dread, I might,
Scare myself to death.


Gale Fernie,
Wordsmith, Poet.

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