Jackie Moad

December 18, 2023

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I have travelled around the world, twice, clockwise and counter clockwise, taking a year off each time to do it, with Laurie of course. I’ve met Petra Kelly, the Dali Lama and Mother Teresa. I was a founding member of Haven House in Nanaimo. Now I have a beautiful 20 acre organic farm in Cedar, where I work and play all day long in the fruit orchards and vegetable gardens, with my collies and farm animals, wondering all the while, how did I ever managed to work as an RN before retiring in 2017.

Dear Santa,

Now that I have the #1 item on my list (a horse) I’ve been finding that although I want for basically nothing (except of course world peace, the end of hunger, environmental salvation, and one of those mermaid costumes) there is something at this very moment that I think I need. It would be oh-so helpful … either a third functional hand or a Dictaphone.

Your big bushy white eyebrows rise I see, but please let me explain. It seems that with everything in my life there is this pattern. In a nutshell, I wait till the last moment to complete the task. Like for example having my blitherings for Island Woman ready, signed, sealed & delivered closer to the beginning of the month. You know, time enough for the hard-working editor to proofread, shorten if need be (‘cause I do tend to get side-tracked, ramble on…)

But all of a sudden it was a week before Christmas and I was scrambling – my pad and pen on the kitchen island, along with all the trappings for a marathon goodie-bake for the WI table at the Cedar Country Christmas Tour and the 50th wedding anniversary soiree for Betty & George Benson.

Time Out: microwave beeping, butter melted, time to add the berry sugar, blend and sift in the flour.

So Santa, that Dictaphone. I’ve noticed that several times this month I’ve thought about Island Woman, and my possible story theme. A focus on Christmas?, New Years Resolutions?, the upcoming Leap Year?, Rabbie Burns birthday in January? The possibilities are mind-boggling. If I had that Dictaphone it would be almost instant thoughts to paper. As the deadline got closer I could transcribe my ramblings and bing-bang-boom next submission done!

Then I wouldn’t be here multitasking, or at least trying to multitask. In my past life as an RN I was pretty good at that art/necessity. But I guess after 6 years of retirement I’m a bit rusty. I AM ambidextrous but that’s just writing with both hands but not writing and baking at the same time.

Time Out: dough formed and stuffed into empty paper towel rolls and into the fridge for 1 hour.

So today, maybe for the last time Santa, depending on what I find under my tree on December 25th, I’m hoping to write and finish my submission in this next hour. And then cut the cooled shortbread dough ‘logs’ into 30 beauty cookies.

Word crunch alert. I’ve only got about 100 words left and I’ve decided on what I need to say most to all you wonderful readers out there, besides a seasoned greetings and wish for a stress-free joyous holiday. I only get to do this once every 4 years so here goes.

February 29th is a freebee. And extra day, a free day, which only comes every one thousand four hundred and sixty days. A whole 24 hours of free time. So here’s my suggestion. Give it away. Donate it to a cause of your choice. Heaven knows there are enough of them out there, enough folks, or animals, or environments that could use a boost. And you don’t have to give the whole day away. Save some for yourself. Maybe just follow the ARK principle and do a couple of Acts of Random Kindness. Go ahead. It actually makes you feel really good too. Honest. Take the Leap.

Epilogue: Well true to form my Santa letter didn’t even get mailed, I didn’t get a Dictaphone and although I did finish my prose on that shortbread marathon day, just look at me, here it is the last week of the month, of the year, and I’m just about to hit ‘send’ and off to the editor’s desk it goes. Maybe next year I’ll get that Dictaphone. I live in hope!

Jackie Moad.
World Traveler.
Organic Farmer.



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