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“I am not my stuff: we are more than our possessions. Our memories are within us, not within our things. Holding onto stuff imprisons us; letting go is freeing.” Joshua Fields Millburn

In our North American Culture we tend to collect value and put a lot of emphasis on material things, the “stuff” in our lives. This really came to the fore front for me when I made frequent visits to Africa. I saw how simply the people in our village lived and though life was challenging there was a joy for life and a deep connectivity with each other that was not the norm in my culture.

Clamian, who was our contact person in Africa, came to visit us, his first trip to North America. We visited Wal-Mart and the shock on his face when he saw what people’s carts was palpable and he asked “Why do they buy so much stuff!!! Good question I replied. Seeing how we live through the eyes of someone from the 3 rd world really is an eye opener.

Clearing clutter can open up new spaces inside and outside in our lives and help us focus on what really matters! Letting go of items we have collected can be very freeing!!

Before I start working with people I always recommend that they focus on a vision for their future. What do they want their lives to feel like? Do they want more energy, peace, joy and how do they see themselves creating those feelings.  Once you have a vision for your future it’s easier to know what steps you should take to get there.

One of the key components to not moving forward in downsizing is postponing decisions. Delaying decision making can be stressful because the choice is still there to be made and takes up head space. Once you make a decision it is easier to move forward.

The key tips to an easier downsizing process is having help, a professional can make this process  a lot easier and save you lots of time. Start early and give yourself time. Celebrate your accomplishments and be kind to yourself. It is a huge transition to downsize and change locations but this may also be a freeing adventure and an opportunity to reshape your life.

Kressa Sisu
Picture Perfect Staging and Downsizing 

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