Jane Brook

Keyboard Warriors give it a rest…!

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An ex-Brit, and proud Canadian, I now reside in Nanaimo, after living in Calgary, with my Husband, and a cat...both male! Life is good; I partake in several hobbies, baking being the most popular, I sew (in straight lines) I knit (quite well), I read (a lot), I paint (walls mainly) and generally enjoy living on this beautiful island I now call home! Middle age has settled in comfortably, especially around my waist, and I look forward to the wisdom arriving that I am assured comes with "senior citizenship...!" I’m hoping anyway…!

I don’t think anyone would disagreethat the advent of computers, the Internet, and our mammoth progression since then, has been nothing short of miraculous.  For most of us, our Grandparents, and beyond, and even to some extent our Parents, would never have believed or even conceived of what we can do, so easily, at the click of a button, today.

We can communicate, often at no charge, with Family and friends around the World, or down the street, via Facebook, Twitter and the multitude of applications now available to us…and even see them real-time!

I heard a broadcaster today refer to the most well-known social networks as “anti-social media!” It struck a chord with me, as well as made me smile.  Apart from the fact that we are now being bombarded with information we don’t want or need, including often, hearing from persons we’d long since forgotten, deliberately, or otherwise, we are also hearing virtually every day, how as a society we are losing our “social” skills…because of “social media!” We can no longer converse with one another, either face-to-face, or via telephone, and as for writing a letter…well, we all know that’s gone the way of the Dodo!

However, there is another downside to this digital age, which I see probably every time I log into my Facebook account (I’m not a Twitter-er or an Instagram-er or an anything else-er!)  Behind the relative safety of our keyboards, we have developed an undesirable skill, if indeed, it is a skill, and that is, we can fire off comments, opinions and thoughts relating to any subject that comes to mind, in response to other people’s comments, that if we were stood in front of them, or on the telephone, we wouldn’t be rude enough to make.  The Keyboard Warrior is very much alive and kicking, hooting and hollering!   Here’s an example…

Yesterday, I responded to a question being asked on a UK National Radio Station’s Facebook page, and therefore, inviting comments from the general public.  The question was “Do you agree, or not, with bringing a child up from birth, as a vegan?”

My answer was very succinct, “No, absolutely not!”

Now, before anyone jumps down my throat and accuses me of being cruel and an animal abuser and killer, and I don’t know what veganism is, so I’m ignorant…I don’t need to hear any of it because I heard it all yesterday! The bitter and vitriolic, and downright rude and abusive comments that were made in reply to my own comment, lead me to believe that social media has allowed us, and in fact encourages us, to lose all sense of polite and respectful conversation, despite the fact that we live in a society that allows us the benefits of freedom of speech.

I am not a vegan or a vegetarian, and was raised as a meat-eater, who was always aware of the fact that we are able to eat meat because animals give their lives in order for us to do so, and in turn I raised my own Sons the exact same way. It is my belief that young children need the protein and nutrients in their developing years, as their brains, and bones grow so quickly. I’m well aware of the fact that these days, there are many more “non-meat” products available to us, which give us  comparable protein and nutrient levels.  However, I don’t choose to eat a plant and legume/nut based diet in order to maintain my good health. Apart from anything else, I enjoy the taste of eating meat, almost as much as I do chocolate!! It makes me sad that an animal was slaughtered for me to enjoy that privilege, that is just another of the sad facts of life as we reign supreme at the top of the food chain. My opinion…I’m entitled to it, whether you agree or not!

I’m all for everyone being able to express their opinions in a respectful and informative manner, and more than happy to learn from others, especially about things where my own knowledge is limited.  What I find so appalling is this seemingly automatic response, a knee-jerk reaction if you like, that because someone doesn’t agree with what I say, that they a) know better than me b) feel compelled to convince me that their opinions are correct, and therefore I’m wrong, and c) they feel that they will better convince me of their point by being rude to me.

Where did this come from? And perhaps more importantly, where will it end? We are constantly hearing about those who have taken offence at a comment or opinion from another person, that is merely that; their opinion, to which they are absolutely entitled!

Commenting on such black and white debates as veganism is akin to making religious or political statements; there is always someone with another viewpoint that you cannot possibly have understood, thus rendering yourself, a human being of significantly lesser intelligence!

Your choices, opinions and views are yours, and yours alone, to do with as you will…fortunately for us! These days, we don’t generally get hung, drawn and quartered for expressing something that the powers-that-be of the day, didn’t agree with. There’s no need to be abusive though, and belittle a comment, or the commenter, for something you don’t agree with.  As with most other things, it’s a minority that upset the proverbial apple cart for everyone else, and we all know people who get a kick out of being the up-setter of the cart.

Be nice out there people…it makes for better debate for everyone that has a vested interest in the subject, but doesn‘t want to feel that their views will be slated by the vitriol coming from the keyboard warriors of today…!



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One Comment

  1. Hi Jane, loved it. Nothing quite like a juicy tender T-bone, or a BBQ. But that is just me. More importamt is our right to express ourselves on any point. I have found myself pausing and reconsidering what I might say, just not to offend someone somewhere. I do not like it, free speach is just that, and the only weapon the population has to protect itself. When anyone is afraid to speak up, it is time to speak louder, politely, but louder.

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