The Thursday Writers


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The Thursday writers meet weekly in a public library. We collect twenty minute prompts, mostly one sentence long, draw a prompt at random, then write furiously and read our work to the group. Sharing writing information such as workshops, books, and readings we've been to have kept us current on what's happening in our neighbourhood. Our focus as writers has grown and now this new venture with the Island Woman Magazine is very exciting. We plan on a once monthly submission, rotating writers throughout the year. We are having lots of writing fun!

The following piece comes from a 20 minute writing exercise in our Thursday writing group. Sometimes I have to tear myself away from the hustle and bustle of my busy life to attend the group. Often my effort is rewarded by some self discovery that I may have missed had I not overcome my resistance to leave the hectic pace behind. This exercise was one of those times for which I am grateful to have made the effort to be present.

Meditation does not come easily to me.  This busy life tends to bring on the monkey brain that chatters away incessantly, either planning something or reviewing and categorizing something completed. I also find that I tend to critique myself and others and miss the very point of existence.

I forget to be. Often have I heard the phrase; “We are human beings, not human doings.” So when I notice monkey brain taking over I need to take a few deep breaths, distance myself from the business of my day and go on a sort of sabbatical.

The most grounding situation for me is at the seashore. To stand on the ocean chiseled stony beach, to bury my bare feet in the damp solid of the shore line, to breathe in the salt air is to drain tension from my body. As I walk or simply stand rooted in that moist firm footing, I become one with the setting. There is nowhere I have to be, nothing I have to do. Just for that oasis of time, I become human being.

The lapping of the waves on the shore washes over my spirit.
The colours undulate around my head.
The Universe and I are one.

My grey world slowly absorbs the brilliance that surrounds me.
I am the green, blue, white of the waves.
I am the pallor of the skies.

I am the softness of the clouds.
Within me are the stones washed clean by the tides,
Smoothed and soothed by the waves.

I am flavoured by the saltine wetness.
I am brightened by the sunset’s glow.
I am part of the great I AM.

This interlude has so refreshed me that I can better absorb the ebb and flow of the life to which I must now return.

By Márta O’Reilly




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  1. Marta, you have reminded me of what I tend to forget – the healing power of the natural world. Thank you.

  2. Marta, I am sure that experience speaks to many of us and you have captured the replenishment turning to nature can bring.

    Thank you, Chris

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