Casey Mulcaster

Meeting In The Middle

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Casey Mulcaster is a Registered Aromatherapist ®, Essential Oil Therapist ®, Certified Aromatherapy Instructor, Certified Foot Reflexologist and Advanced Sekhem Practitioner. With the motto, "your wellness is my passion", Casey is dedicated to helping her clients and students achieve their greatest well-being. Most of her treatment offerings originate from Ancient Egypt which has held a lifelong fascination for her.

Last month, I went through a profound shift in the way I view my relationships. I have recently been certified in Access Bars®, a healing modality that facilitates a release of blockages by gently applying pressure to 32 specific points on the head. Every one of these points corresponds to some aspect in life (control, creativity, awareness, etc). Since being introduced to this in April of this year by a dear friend, I have had the most amazing revelations about the way I have been conducting myself in life.

When I was 17 years old, I met my future husband. It was love at first sight – a little uncomfortable as it was the best friend of my current boyfriend at the time! At 19 years of age, I started the most important relationship of my life with my husband. I made choices at that time around relationship paradigms and expectations. For years, I have lived in the choices I made at a young age because I was taught that when you made a choice or a decision, you stuck by it. So, how does a choice made at 19 years of age work for a woman of 44?

For the last three years, there has been some tumultuous activity in my business and personal life. Living in my old choices was creating resentment, stress and negativity. Last month, I decided to embark on a course offered by Access Consciousness® called “Change how you function with Money”. This has always been one of my shame places and something I never wanted to look at or deal with. However, what happened through completing the lessons was extraordinary. I realized that the choices I had made as a young woman not only incapacitated me financially, but personally.

So, why not choose something else? The message in the program shattered my previous beliefs about choices. We CAN make a new choice whenever and however we want. The only limitation is our former beliefs! I sat down to dinner with my husband of 25 years a couple of weeks ago and divulged my epiphanies about the choices I had made, and took responsibility for many things that had become derailed as a result of my former choices. I had not been allowing him to be the man – the protector and the provider. As I share this story with other women, I am noticing that many of us don’t meet in the middle.

Due to historical patterns, there has been tremendous imbalance between men and women. Women are raising children, doing housework, working full time and trying to sustain a relationship with their partners. Ladies, we can be strong, independent AND be provided for and protected by our men. My business name is “Amarna Holistic Centre”. Amarna is a city in Egypt; in ancient times it was under matriarchal rule which meant unification between men and women. For four years I have had this company name and it has never meant more to me than it does now. This is an invitation to all of you – it is okay to make a different choice; it is okay to allow and receive, and it feels so liberating.

Balance and Liberation Blend
30 mls of carrier oil (sweet almond, coconut, apricot kernel)
3 drops of rose (Rosa damascena) essential oil
7 drops of basil, sweet (Ocimum basilicum) or Holy basil (Ocimum sanctum) essential oil

Rose is the queen of essential oils and basil is the king. Together, they meet in the middle to provide infinite possibilities!


Casey Mulcaster_featuredCasey Mulcaster
Amarna Holistic Centre
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  1. Thank you Casey. Making the right choices and finding balance in a relationship have always been my struggles. The blend sounds lovely. How do I get some?

  2. Casey, I am so happy for you!
    Yes, we can make NEW choices, it means we are growing and expanding, creating something that works better for us and the relationships in our life in the present moment.
    I love the Liberation Blend….
    Never knew Rose is the queen of essential oils, no wonder I love it so much and it is also the most expensive….. what does that tell you? We women deserve the best!
    And Basil is the king! Let the balance reign!

    • Thank you so much, Helga! Yes, rose is a favorite of mine as well. We just have to acknowledge that we are queens!

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