Megan Edge

The Body as a Spiritual Journey

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Megan Edge is a Master Healer and wild foods & foraging expert who works with clients ready, willing, and able to envision deep and permanent healing through natural medicine and wellness practices featuring food as medicine, healing with nature, foraging wild plants, wildcrafting, and essential oils. She teaches people to reconnect and feel comfortable and confident in the natural world with guided nature walks, wildcrafting workshops, and plant and species identification. Megan loves sharing what she knows about urban and wild food foraging with her new business, Beyond the Garden Gate Botanicals. (

Do you know how amazing your body is? Not only for all the things it does for you on a daily basis just to keep you alive, but for the spiritual journey it participates in. For if it is true that we are spiritual beings on a human journey, then it is also true that the bodies we chose for this journey have a huge role to play in how we experience being human.

Think about this for a moment. You chose to be either a man or a woman. You chose the genetic ancestral line of your family as well, for what its culture, history and physical characteristics could contribute to this lifetime. You chose the colour of your skin, your height and weight, as well as the physical joys and challenges of your body. And it is through those physical joys and challenges that you get to experience being human. That being true, if you struggle on any level with your physical self and if you wish to change those struggles and increase your joys, then change your relationship with your body. Know your body as beautiful. See your body as your partner in this journey. Ask it what it needs of you. Your body will never lie to you and if you are in pain, it has a message for you. Learn to listen to your body. Learn to celebrate your body. Learn to love it.

Did you know that your body is one, life-sized pendulum? Your body will always give you a “Yes” or a “No” when you know what to look for. Think of a “Yes” or “No” question, something that is of significant to you at this point in time. It could be as profound as “Is it in my highest good to accept this promotion?” or as simple as “Is it better for me to have chicken or beef tonight for dinner?” Once you have the question in your mind, stand comfortably and still. Bend your knees a little and straighten your back. Now close your eyes and ask your question.

Notice which way your body moves. If you feel pulled to the front of yourself, you have a “Yes” and if you feel as though you are being pushed backwards, that’s your “No”. In this way you always have your answer. Of course it is completely up to you what to do with your answer.

Think of it this way – your body moves towards what it knows it needs and away from what it doesn’t. You can observe this in other people as well. If a friend answers “Yes” to your request to help you move this weekend but their body sways backwards, chances are they really mean “No, I’d rather not.” You may have to sweeten the request with an offer of pizza and drinks before their “No” becomes a “Yes”!

Now try this exercise again with “Yes” or “No” questions directed at your body. Ask your body if white sugar or salt is good for it. Does it want more exercise, more time walking on the beach or in the woods? Maybe your body needs more hugs or would appreciate a massage. What about a nice meal with good friends? You can talk to your body each day, creating a bond with your physical being, allowing it to tell you what it needs in order to be in its and your best health.

This soul journey in a human body is so beautifully complex. There are so many layers to your experiences that go beyond the physical body. As you strengthen your relationship with your physical body, it will become easier to trust your emotional body and your energetic body, opening you to a world of light, sound and sensation that is normally just out of reach.

And it all begins with this amazing body you chose for this life. Learn to listen to your body. Learn to celebrate your body. Learn to love it.


Megan Edge_featuredMegan Edge
Psy-chick Healing Studio


 Megan Edge is a Master Healer, Intuitive Educator, Counsellor and Author of the recently published work “The Heart’s Journey: Healing Hearts Oracle Cards and Guide Book”.  She offers Mind, Body and Soul healing though Energy Healing, Intuitive Counselling and Body Work. In her private practice, Megan holds space for personal healing, empowering the individual to access their own healing powers. As a certified Reiki Master, Angel Therapy Practitioner, and Energy Medicine Healer, she believes each of us has the potential to unlock our healing abilities, both for ourselves and for others. Megan offers her clients and students the tools and techniques to heal in the moment and to maintain their healing as they move forward on their journey.


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  1. Excellent article Megan. I had to do a double take because it looks exactly like what I have been teaching my clients. I kept asking myself, Did I wrote this . OMG girl, we are on the same page. Nice article!!

    • Hi Kaila, thank you for your feedback. Have you noticed how often the energies align when we are tapping into a Universal Truth? This week it has been all about the Vulnerable Voice, the one that allows us opens to one another. The number of article, blogs and workshops that have crossed my desk on this subject is staggering! I believe it is Spirit’s way of confirming our thoughts and directions – the signs that keep us moving in a particular direction for as long as we need to. Thanks again for leaving a comment 🙂

  2. It is lovely to read your article here, Megan! I appreciate this reminder about checking in with one’s body to listen to the messages it gives. It’s something I fall in and out of habit with; however, I have been including much more self-care into my daily rituals. It’s interesting to ponder why I chose this body and will journal around it now that you’ve brought it to my attention in this light. Looking forward to seeing more of your writing! <3

    • Hi Monique,

      Thank you so much for your comments. I’m thrilled that my words resonate with you. The concept of the Body as a Spiritual Journey came to me during one of my many surgeries. I wondered at how my body navigates its experience of being human when I was “shown” all the information of all the choices we make as we come into physical form. It goes so much deeper then Male/Female, skin colour or small/large. There is a lineage we choose as well, a genetic, physical body. I was thrilled when this knowing was given to me. I’d love to hear how your journaling goes. Feel free to contact me personally. Cheers, Megan

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