Susie anatara buckley

To Break Through We Have to Break Down

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Susie Anatara is an Intuitive Counsellor, Angel Communicator and Sensitive Energetic Guide. Her innate skills allow clients to uncover fears, release energy and emotional blocks, and dissolve agreements with one’s self and others that no longer serve an individual’s true life purpose and essence. Being well balanced between intuition and ‘fact’, she is wise, knowledgeable, logical and evenly as connected with the gentle feminine forms of connecting to the universe. Through years as a Therapeutic Touch practitioner, Bach Flower Counsellor, and her intuitive and direct support of palliative individuals, her private practice includes many skills accumulated over 40 years of direct client interaction. No one is meant to grow alone.

I have felt a certain kind of interest and excitement since the first moments of hearing about the Covid -19 virus. Being aware of it gave me a certain tingling in my body and my soul. My heart reached out to the expanding movement of the virus, recognizing a certain sureness that it had come into our lives as a teacher and guide.  An agent that would lead  us into something that we badly needed, something that could no longer be avoided. A rendezvous with human evolution physically and spiritually. (Please don’t be shocked or surprised by this at first glance. I will explain.) 

My work and exploration in the intuitive realms leaves me companionably open to interpretations that for many are unattainable. I look beyond the surface appearance of an event, and wait for direction and understanding to come to me from the higher and invisible realms. A higher level of consciousness is now a necessity, it is no longer an option which we may ignore and walk away from. As Caroline Myss says “to break through we have to break down“.

So what must we break down?

The virus is presenting us with choice points to expand into unity, together as a people, or to hide in the idea that we are satellite individuals, unconnected to one another.

At first, there was no real indication of how this would all manifest  around the globe. It was unclear how rapidly it would come to involve the consciousness of all human kind. We all watched a crisis of ‘epic’ proportion develop. We all watched as it came to us directly, insinuating itself into our families, our businesses, our society, our countries, our global sister and brotherhood.

As a race of fellow earth inhabitants we have been learning how to experience Life together. Now we are learning how to be in crisis together. Up to this point in history we haven’t frequently woven ourselves together to tackle a breakthrough in attitude.  A breakthrough in consciousness. This is a massively powerful time of transformation, in which we can all see through our ‘isolation’ how similar we are, how much we really care about each other, and how our Love of life and of one another is paramount to the survival and continuation of life as we know it.

It seems that there are so many of the normal activities and precepts in our lives that are quite simply falling apart and/or being denied to us. And yet, we are learning to stay at home, to be kind to our immediate family members who we are hunkering down with, and to consider how reckless action could harm others.

More than anything we are being ‘forced’ by our own choices to survive, to pay attention to how we can help one another, and to co-create around a vision of the soul. This vision is denying us reckless and destructive behaviour against one another and against the earth. 

This vision is uniting us!  Even when we are feeling terrified by the agent of change present among us. We are creating a new world, a new earth, a new way of being. This new earth is based on harmony and trust, on feeling equal and united!

There will be some who don’t see this vision entirely, and who strain against the confines of true caring. There will be those for whom fear reigns magnificent and horrifying, the uncertainty sometimes seeming impenetrable. And there will be those who see this opportunity to slow down, to go within, and to love and share as much as possible.

So what about this time of Metamorphosis?

This is a unique time on planet Earth where the people of the earth are sequestered in their homes. This is creating an extremely powerful field of commonality which is conducive to opening our hearts to one another and to the planet. The transformation is meant to be uplifting …

I give all of you my most harmonious visions of Love, for each other and for the Earth.

May you reach into yourselves, and out to your loved ones with patience and kindness and a willingness to go forward, united together.

I wish to conclude by acknowledging that I understand the panic and the fear. There is real hardship and death occurring as we manoeuvre through this transition together. I also know that there are many souls on earth who within themselves are ready to leave this life, to be helpful on the other side. It is the rest of us, seemingly left behind so suddenly, that struggle with the passages they are making. I hold all of us, those leaving and those remaining, in the same light of grace ….

What will the New Earth be like?

With Great Love for All That You Need and Discover,








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