Trish Summerhayes

Too Risk-Averse

Posted | 2 comments

I am a wife, a mother and a grandmother; and spent my whole working life as a nurse. I was a "ban the bomber" in London in the sixties and a part of the back to earth movement of the seventies here on Vancouver Island. These experiences have made me who I am. I am me. I am an Island Woman. In retirement I now enjoy even more being an Island Woman.

The article below was in today’s Times Colonist and I thought it was not only a sensible article but also very timely. On Friday, all our schools will be closing for the summer and the children will be out for two months.

Unfortunately, they may be out of school but a large percentage will not be outside or out playing as they did historically. They will be inside, in front of a computer, the TV or some other electronic occupier.

This scenario is often brought about by “helicopter parents” who are over protective and over stressed. Unfortunately, this can have dire consequences on mental and physical development of the children and can affect their overall health and well being.

It is time to draw back from controlling and organizing so much of the daily activities of children. This will allow them to relax and be what they are, children. Give them the time and the space to be themselves and the freedom to go outside and just play.


Trish_croppedTrish Summerhayes
Island Woman





We are too risk-averse for our own good

Trevor Hancock / Times Colonist
June 24, 2015 12:23 AM

Injuries are a major health concern in Canada, especially among young people; they are the largest cause of death for Canadians ages one to 44.

Moreover, while overall mortality rates declined 20 per cent from 2000 to 2011, the decline for accidental injuries was only six per cent. This has led to significant focus on injury prevention in public health.

But partly due to the strong focus on injury prevention, we have become a risk-averse society. This is compounded by a constant litany of bad news that makes it seem as if we are being overwhelmed by accidents, violence and stranger abductions.

As a result, we have a misperception when it comes to the risks facing our children. So fearful have we become that we now have “helicopter parents” hovering over “bubble-wrapped children” who are kept indoors to keep them safe, while we have made playgrounds so safe they are boring. At a time when we are increasingly aware of the health benefits of getting kids more involved in active play and in contact with nature, this is a problem.

Now comes a timely review of the evidence on risky play from a team led by Dr. Mariana Brussoni from the B.C. Injury Research and Prevention Unit at B.C. Children’s Hospital. Their review, published this month, “revealed overall positive effects of risky outdoor play on a variety of health indicators and behaviours, most commonly physical activity, but also social health and behaviours, injuries and aggression.”

An associated position statement issued by, among others, the prevention unit, the Research Institute of the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and Participaction, made some important points that are at odds with our general perceptions:

• The odds of total-stranger abduction are about one in 14 million, based on RCMP reports. Being with friends outdoors might further reduce the risk.
• Broken bones and head injuries do happen, but most injuries associated with outdoor play are minor.
• Canadian children are eight times more likely to die as motor-vehicle passengers than from being hit by a vehicle when on foot or on a bike.

These researchers suggest that we “need to encourage action to support children’s risky outdoor play opportunities.” Among the benefits, according to the position statement, are that risky play helps kids “build confidence, autonomy and resilience, develop skills, solve problems and learn their own limits.”

But the encouragement of risky play is not just a matter of telling parents and others who supervise children to ease up. First, there is a matter of what constitutes acceptable risk.

More than 20 years ago Dr. Robert Conn, a pediatric heart surgeon, established the Smart Risk Foundation. He suggested we should all develop a “stupid line,” the line between taking risks that we see as manageable and those we do not. So what is our “stupid line” for kids — and who decides?

Even more problematic is that we have built up an entire system of risk-reduction that is now getting in the way of healthy and somewhat risky outdoor play.

The position statement points to these structural problems, recommending among other things that attorneys general undertake liability reform to establish reasonable liability limits for municipal governments.

It is also recommended that “provincial and municipal governments work together to create an environment where public entities are protected from frivolous lawsuits over minor injuries related to normal and healthy outdoor risky active play.” In addition, they suggest removing the requirement that outdoor play spaces meet the very risk-averse Canadian Standards Association standards in order to get funding.

Clearly, we need to remove the structural barriers to make healthy but somewhat risky play possible. (See Position Statement on Active Outdoor Play) I suggest you share it with your school principal and school board, your local parks and recreation departments, municipal and provincial politicians and others who shape the play environments of children.

Let’s bring back the health benefits of risky play.

Dr. Trevor Hancock is a professor and senior scholar at the University of Victoria’s school of public health and social policy.


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  1. Ah Trish … so, so true … my eldest son and I just last week were bemoaning the fact that he and his siblings and his (now grown) children (my grandchildren)are the very last of the “free range” generations.

    I, remembering the days when I was zipped into my snowsuit and sent out the door as my Dad went to work; to play as I and my neighbouring friend saw fit, until the fathers returned at noon … all sans supervision … gasp!

    Best regards,

    Let’s go walk the pipeline … or …

    • Hi NANCY, Thanks I like the label…. free ranger!. I know times are different but I would like to see children with a little free time and not come into this world with a day planner by their crib. The worst thing that happened to me was I fell off a log into a bed of stinging nettles. Not to be repeated was the lesson. I am not sure which was worse ,the nettles or my mother,s wrath as I had torn my shorts.

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