Megan Edge

Unstructured Time

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Megan Edge is a Master Healer and wild foods & foraging expert who works with clients ready, willing, and able to envision deep and permanent healing through natural medicine and wellness practices featuring food as medicine, healing with nature, foraging wild plants, wildcrafting, and essential oils. She teaches people to reconnect and feel comfortable and confident in the natural world with guided nature walks, wildcrafting workshops, and plant and species identification. Megan loves sharing what she knows about urban and wild food foraging with her new business, Beyond the Garden Gate Botanicals. (

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, Divination means “…the art or practice that seeks to foresee or foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge by the interpretation of omens, with the aid of supernatural powers & insight or intuitive perception.” The art of Divination has been practiced around the world for tens of thousands of years by all cultures.

!cid_B2ABBFBF-FBAA-4501-A35E-865FD7E8DA9BSome of the earliest human records at ancient archaeological sites point to the use of tools created to predict the future or to better understand the present.  Pieces of bird bones or special rocks or shells have been found which appear to have specific markings on them.  When thrown, it’s believed the Shaman or other spiritual leader would interpret where and how they landed, providing guidance and predictions of future events.  People have also looked to their environment for clues as to how the future will unfold, assigning significance and symbolism to animals, crystals and the elements.

This need to know or predict the future is as old as our awareness of time.  Humans have always attempted to predict the weather, tides, the movement of animals and the stars.  We also have a deep need to predict the outcome of our lives.  We want to know who we’ll marry, how many children we’ll have, whether we’ll achieve world domination or what the score on the hockey game we bet on will be.

Despite the various ways and methods people have employed throughout the ages to see the Future, the Future remains a nebulous place.  Because of our time structures and our belief and experience of time being linear, we hold it to be true that the past has already happened, the present is the only place we can truly know and the future is unknowable, as it hasn’t happened yet. 

!cid_3CB5B497-C856-49E1-9581-B5F558D39212What if you’re simply having difficulty remembering the Future?  As in dreaming, so many of you wake up in the morning with fragments of your dreams that quickly dissipate as you re-orient your awareness to your waking life.  Remembering the Future is a similar experience for most people.

The Present is far more challenging to hold on to then either the past or the future.  Consider this, if time isn’t linear but is simultaneous, meaning that all things are occurring at all times, then the Future is as easy to see as the Past is to remember.  But know this as well; your memories of your past are as fleeting as your glimpses into your future.

Within the concept of all time being simultaneous there lies a world of all possibilities; Happentracks, as Jane Roberts refers to them in The Seth Material.  Every choice you make in any moment has a ripple effect that moves backwards and forwards along the conveyor belt of linear time.  As you shift and change your beliefs and understanding of your life events, you also change your experience of them and the very experiences themselves.

!cid_C52DFF80-0C32-4CD7-AE7D-26BDB701BD5ADo you need special stones with marks on them, or a deck of oracle cards to remember the Future?  The tools of divination are just that, tools.  It’s the asking for guidance and insight that takes you immediately into an altered state of receptivity.  The tools are the things that anchor you to this state of receptivity, not the things that make it possible – that’s all you!

The Future is an interesting place: at the same time, mysterious and predictable.  It can be predictable when you examine the patterns and habits that brought you to this present moment.  You’re a creature of habit and unless you make a conscious effort to change your habits, you can predict with some accuracy how you’ll respond to the circumstances of your life.

The mystery lies in the ways of being that you’ve forgotten;  there’s nothing unknown, only things forgotten.  You forget for many reasons and often create places in your life where you suddenly remember; such as the experience of the mother who lifts a car off her child – she’d forgotten her capacity for strength until she most needed it.

It doesn’t have to take an extreme circumstance for you to remember what you’re capable of, or of what you came into this life time to accomplish and learn.  You have the tools to tap into the forgotten corners of your life, revealing clearly the how and why of your experiences.

Meditation is one of these tools, as are Oracle cards, Rune Stones, the I Ching and many others.  Each time you pick up or engage with one of these tools you immediately enter an altered state of consciousness as you open yourself to your own Higher Wisdom and Guidance.  Where that Guidance comes from, your Higher Self, your Guides and Angels or the Universe, is less important than the fact you asked in the first place.

!cid_2A8E8190-05C7-44FE-BE4A-F63B1A4F40B7I always caution my clients and students when they ask about the Future, not because there’s anything scary in the future, but because the future is energy in motion and as such, it moves and flows with each choice you make in the present moment.  If you choose to walk left instead of right, you have instantly changed the future from your point of consciousness.

There’s great truth to the saying “To be forewarned is to be forearmed”.  When you work with Divination, you’re working with general guidance rather than specifics.  For example, if the question asked is “Will she come back to me?” you may receive a “yes” but then you must open yourself to the “how” of that “yes”.  You must recognize that the “yes” is energy in motion, changing as you change.

One of my clients desperately wanted the answer to that same question to be a “yes”.  She was so caught up in the need for it to be “yes” that she couldn’t hear the “how” of that future possibility.  Changes were being asked of her that she was unwilling to engage in; perhaps wasn’t ready to give herself permission to experience.  A year later, without having made any of the changes she had been guided to do, the answer was still “yes” but the “how” had yet to be realized and so the “yes” had not manifested.  The Future had kept pace with her present state of mind and being.

!cid_83F6C170-6869-4C57-8468-752ACBAEA217Difficult and challenging circumstances happen to everyone, to one degree or another.  Divination gives you the opportunity to look beyond what’s right in front of you and opens you to the solutions that already exist in your Stories.  When you approach life from the perspective that no wrong choices exist, that there are choices and your experiences of those choices, you can step back a pace, becoming clear and centered, moving into and through your life’s circumstances.

Knowing the future is about knowing yourself and recognizing what needs to change so you can enjoy the best experiences of your life’s circumstances.  Welcome the Future – it’s the creative expression of your Life Story.

What does your Future hold?



Megan ThumbnailMegan Edge Psy-chick Healing Studio Master Healer Intuitive Counsellor, Educator and Author

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Read Megan on Island Woman Magazine 
See Megan’s Interview on Shaw TV’s GO Island!










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