Anna Christine Doehring

Signs our Body is Giving us –

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Anna Christine Doehring , RHFP, CRP, had a lifelong interest in medicine, yet life had many other intentions. She came to Vancouver Island in 1989. Since 1995 she has been practicing Reflexology, JinShinDo®, CranioSacral®. and since 2007 Reconnective Healing®. This is seen as the leader in the growing field of Energy-Healthcare. She is a Reconnective Healing Foundational Practitioner™ and presently the only Certified Reconnection Practitioner™ on Vancouver Island. Because every symptom is like the tip of an iceberg, she writes mainly about the signs the body gives us that something is wrong and needs to be addressed.

The standard answer from doctors to the question  ‘’What is causing varicose veins?’’ is probably:  Standing for long periods of time, pregnancy, age, being overweight, menopause, chronic heart conditions.

Standing regularly for too long, especially on  one leg, is definitely a factor. My mother had to put her weight on the left leg when working for hours on one specific machine. She had on the outside of that leg varicose veins, and needed at 84 years of age, a left side hip replacement. Therefore always put your weight equally on both legs. Always!

BUT … there is something very interesting. Friends, clients and family members with varicose veins always seem to have the problem veins in an area where the Chi-flow in a meridian is impeded.. When the chi does not flow properly the blood-flow and the lymph-flow is affected. Which might cause the tissue to lose elasticity and becomes flaccid. No wonder the valves in that area are affected. Just think of the skin of older people

Interestingly also that meridians are connected to a specific emotion. Let me give you three examples I observed..

When the members of the above mentioned group worried a lot the varicose veins were at the front of the leg.

Did they have the tendency to be easily stressed, then the varicose veins were more on the outside of the leg.

Was their energy – their core-essence – depleted then they had for example the problems on the inside of the leg.

A lot of relevant information is on a website of the Mayo Clinic…/varicose-veins/symptoms-causes/dxc-20178128

The following paragraph is from this website and confirms the importance of healthy skin with good elasticity.

‘’Age. As you get older, your veins can lose elasticity, causing them to stretch. The valves in your veins may become weak, allowing blood that should be moving toward your heart to flow backward.’’

What can we do as prevention? Brushing both legs every day about 20 times towards the groin activates the blood and lymph flow and might be helpful. It is best done as long as we have fairly healthy skin. The brushing might be harmful when the varicose veins are too advanced and there is danger the skin might break.

To balance the Chi-flow in the meridians Acupuncture and Acupressure are best.

There is a reason I have chosen the specific healing modalities I practice. These are the ones I believe in the most.  Reconnective Healing® is balancing us for example on all levels – in this case the emotions and the meridians. … … but there are many others that might be helpful.

The symptom is always the tip of the ice berg. To permanently heal the root cause has to be addressed, which is most of the time an emotion or an emotional trauma.

Anna Christine Doehring is a Certified Practitioner. She owns Energy All Around Therapies, Nanaimo, and has clients in Canada, USA, Serbia, New Zealand (a cat and its owner), Spain, and Germany. She can be reached at 250-756-2235 or via e-mail:



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