Carlie Kilduff

The Best Infection

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Carlie Kilduff is a writer, speaker, intuitive, visionary, spoken word artist, and teacher of self-love. Previously, she taught Physical Education and French in the Sooke School District. After becoming a mother of two wonderful sons, Carlie embarked on a journey of self discovery and healing, and decided to follow a calling towards her work of passion and purpose. Currently, Carlie offers sizzling and powerful spoken word poetry shows where she shares her messages of hope, love, joy, peace, self-worth, and healing. Her work is gaining momentum as many recognize the tremendous impact of the messages that flow through her.

Hello Island Woman! Here we meet again. As I ponder how I want to share with you this time, a few poems jump to my mind as if they are saying: “Pick me!” The one that speaks the loudest, recently written, is called “Infection” and so I allow it to come to the surface at this time.

I will warn you that this might be one of the grossest poems I have written. As someone recovering from germophobia, I can understand that the words in this poem may make some itch and squirm a little. I urge you to hold your seat and stick with it. The message is powerful and well worth some discomfort!

With the horrific news of the earthquakes in Nepal, many of us are feeling the emotional or spiritual impact as we are aware that our Nepali neighbours are in turmoil. In co-creation with another amazing woman, I did a spoken word show called “Prayers for Nepal” and we raised a large sum of money to send for help and aid. The show was amazing and not only did we raise funds and awareness, but we connected with ways that could be considered “other forms of care” that we can cultivate and send energetically across the globe.

I suggested that people here could imagine what states of being our Nepali friends are in need of as they face this disaster. If perhaps we think that they would need peace, strength or comfort, we can become these things ourselves. As we share these ways of being with our friends here, we raise their frequency and vibration and we can lean into our interconnection as human beings. In this way, as we bring healing inside ourselves, we sweep the world with healing.

“Infection” was one poem that I performed in “Prayers for Nepal”. I wrote it a few weeks ago and it was my way of expressing the magnitude of the love that I work with. I have witnessed this form of vibrant, healing, powerful and magnetic love as it weaves through many people. As an empathetic person, I am aware in many ways of this love “infecting” large masses of people. I see evidence in songs and art, and simply in the ways that people are talking and behaving. It isn’t easy, and there is still great healing and heart-opening to come, but I am certain that we are en route.

I meet some people who get a little teary, shifty or distant when I speak in this way. When I say that we as a people are moving in this direction, they say that they really hope so. Underneath, I can tell that they don’t completely believe me. This is okay with me … perhaps I am just another silly optimist … but this is how I choose to live and I do believe everything I say!

Sometimes I think of myself as a cheerleader. I have always supported, encouraged and uplifted others. As we are all shifting on earth right now, moving from ego and fear-based ways of living towards heart and spirit-led life, let me encourage you with this poem. I have many powerful, mind boggling and amazing stories I could share about how I have seen this “infection” reaching individuals, and if anyone wants to connect with me to hear some, please do send me an email! I truly hope that my poem will ignite you the way that it has done for me. May you have a blessed and sizzling May and June!

There is an epidemic infection spreading
Like wild fire torching brittle forest
An army of ants marching in every direction
Carriers of this epic infection

Inspection may not reveal the source
But this infection is taking its course
Of course it will get you if it hasn’t already
But do not fear, it isn’t deadly

Like phlegm smeared on every surface
Airborne bacteria transmitted through talking
Walking on fingers that linger
Hands that touch
So much is the yield
There is no shield

Each one who is bit by the bug
Must surrender to the tug
Must surface from beneath the rug
It is an infection that needs no cure
Of this I am very sure

Raging, flowing, and flying fast
This infection is winning at last
Some are happily sharing the germs
While others squirm and run!
If only they knew this infection is fun
And some have unknowingly transmitted the infection
Such perfection!

You may choose to stay in hiding
But one day you’ll find yourself deciding
When you are backed against the wall
And you cannot slip through
What will you do
When infectious love takes a hold of you?


Carlie Kilduff_resizedCarlie Kilduff





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