Lost in the Translation
It’s been sooo cold this spring. Hail in April? On Vancouver Island? My aging body now prefers much warmer weather, ‘way down south’-type weather. (more…)
Love … Unconditionally
For a long long time, since I was a wee bairn I’ve linked February with Valentine’s Day. (more…)
Book Worm
There is more treasure in books, than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island
-Walt Disney, (more…)
A message from Lana Popham B.C;s Minister of agriculture.
To me, summers on Vancouver Island are emblematic of farmers markets, packed with local produce, patio season and afternoons spent on the beach, enjoying a picnic lunch. (more…)
The Hiatus & The Honey-Do List
The new year is well on it’s way…once again. 2021 was a lightning-quick one for me. The summer? Zipped right by. (more…)
5 fantastic daily habits to help you achieve permanent weight loss after 40.
Trying to lose weight after 40 can feel like torture even for the healthiest person. (more…)
A purrfect ending: Kabul cat and NATO officer reunite in Vancouver
Abandoned, tear gassed, airlifted and very much loved: a cat rescued from Afghanistan finds a new home. (more…)
A few days ago I was taking a walk on a beautiful sunny afternoon when I met a lady pruning a potted plant by the sidewalk
We had a lovely conversation and I learnt that she was Julia Sage that had just opened a massage therapy practice right here in Chemainus (more…)
Heartbreak, Healing and Happiness
Megan Edge
Master Healer, Author, Educator,
Public Speaker & International Radio Host (more…)