
Time To Take Out The Trash:

Posted by on Jul 20, 2019 in Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, General | 0 comments

Time To Take Out The Trash:

On May 5, Kestrel Helicopters was in the air again, moving back and forth between ground crew at the mountain base and a receiving area where sorters prepared the garbage for transport and disposal.During two and a half hours of flying time, a total of seven tons was removed, including over a ton of tires, three and a half tons of metal and more than two tons of assorted garbage. While this was a good start, it did not begin to return the area to its previous pristine state.  It is estimated that approximately 50% of the debris was removed and thus the job is not yet finished.  The Rotary...

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To Bathe or not to Bathe.

Posted by on Jul 7, 2019 in Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, General | 2 comments

To Bathe or not to Bathe.

Through the ages tales have been told of tubs and bathing. Here are some you may recall. Long ago Agamemnon, a solder returning home from the siege of Troy, while soaking his battle worn body in a hot bath, had a wife, who perhaps thinking he had been gone too long, creep up and whack him twice with an axe. On a kinder note, Homers’ Odyssey tells how travellers were always greeted with a warm bath in a metal tub, the water heated over a wood fire and carried to the bath. Who could forget Cleopatra soaking in her milk bath, or the ancient Greek Archimedes, discovering the physics of...

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Elder Financial Abuse:

Posted by on Jun 30, 2019 in Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, Finance, General | 0 comments

Elder Financial Abuse:

 Protect Yourself and Those You Love Elder financial abuse is the most common form of abuse against older adults, accounting for over half of all elder abuse situations reported. It impacts an older adult’s financial options, and ultimately, their ability to properly take care of themselves. Fortunately, through education, you can learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones from elder financial abuse., is the British Columbia Securities Commission’s investor education website. This BCSC InvestRight blog post describes elder financial abuse and provides common...

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What’s New?

Posted by on Jun 27, 2019 in Current Posts, Fashions, Featured Slider Posts, General, Lifestyles | 0 comments

What’s New?

Is anyone sick to death styling their hair?  That blow dry, flat iron routine can really take its toll, but it looks lousy if you do nothing.  I’ve recently been experimenting with my own hair. which is color treated, and naturally quite coarse and frizzy/curly.  After considerable research (cause I’m like that), let me share what I’ve learned about products to tame and soften coarse and curly hair.  Hair Serums, Yahoo!   Distributed evenly through damp strands,  serums coat your hair with oil and/or silicone polymers and seal the cuticle, protecting it from humidity.  The...

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Island Woman & Mermaids

Posted by on Jun 23, 2019 in Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, General | 0 comments

Island Woman & Mermaids

B.C. seafarer named first Canadian woman to captain major cruise ship Capt. Wendy Williams will be master of the Scarlet Lady, the first ship in Sir Richard Branson’s new Virgin Voyages fleet, when it makes its maiden voyage from Miami to Caribbean ports in 2020 Pore through maritime literature and the women you come across are as likely to be mermaids or a ship’s figurehead with breasts exposed. Seafaring is a pursuit that’s finally shifted toward a better gender balance, but still has a long way to go, and Vancouver Island’s Wendy Williams is one of the women leading the...

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The Act of Doing Nothing

Posted by on Jun 16, 2019 in Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, General, Metaphysics & Complementary Healing | 0 comments

The Act of Doing Nothing

We live in a culture of doing.   We are on constant full throttle, multitasking, carrying on four different conversations at once, thoughts flying a hundred miles an hour.  And all this busyness is a wonderful coping mechanism for not dealing with or looking at the things in our lives that need shifting.  I hear so often from clients and students that they are unable to meditate, or slow down long enough to hear their Inner Wisdom.  Yet they are determined to develop their intuition and psychic abilities, hoping to not have to slow down to do it.  I know this challenge.  I could blame...

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Women under-insured.

Posted by on Jun 9, 2019 in Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, Finance, General | 1 comment

Women  under-insured.

 Whether a woman works outside the home or not, to be properly protected, the following types of insurance should be considered.  1) – Health insurance. If you are working and your company offers it, sign up. If you are self-employed, work part-time, or work at home, health insurance is important. Sickness can be expensive, for your care, and for the care of those you look after if you can’t.  2) – Life insurance. If you are working and use your income for family expenses, you need life insurance. If you are a single mom, you need life insurance. If you are a stay at home...

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Posted by on May 29, 2019 in Current Posts, Fashions, Featured Slider Posts, General | 8 comments


A Big Hello to You All, this is my first article for ‘Island Woman’, thank you Trish for the invite! In light of the beautiful sunny days ahead, I thought I would offer you some  SUMMER BEAUTY TIPS. I’m sure by now you all know how important sunscreen is, but on a lighter side . . . . . I would like to offer some tips on how to look your best on a hot sunny day. Sun can really strip colored treated hair, protect your investment with a pretty hat.  A hat will do double duty, protecting your hair color as well as your beautiful face.  Sun hats are “oh so pretty” and...

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Posted by on May 20, 2019 in Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, General | 2 comments


It was my thirteenth birthday party. The pizzeria was full. Kids occupied every table. The noise was overwhelming I saw Greta right away. She stands out from any background because of her waist-length silver hair. There is more to it, though. She has a way of drawing attention when she wants to, without saying a word. She smiled at me, and I made my way to the table where she was dishing out pizza. If she had wanted the room to be quiet, it would have been quiet, but I knew she was enjoying the cacaphony. Maybe that’s why Greta became our nanny. Kids can be depended on to produce plenty of...

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Good news from Ottawa

Posted by on May 14, 2019 in Business, Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, General | 0 comments

Good news from Ottawa

Government  invests $286,000 to helpthree women-owned or -led companies in Victoria and surrounding area grow and export VICTORIA, BC, May 13, 2019 /CNW/ – The Government of Canada is advancing women’s economic empowerment with the first ever Women Entrepreneurship Strategy, a $2-billion investment that seeks to double the number of women-owned businesses by 2025. Today, the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Tourism, Official Languages and La Francophonie, joined local women entrepreneurs and business leaders to celebrate women’s entrepreneurship...

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Why oh why?

Posted by on May 12, 2019 in Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, General | 1 comment

Why oh why?

”Why in the world does she keep having children?”‘ This thought raged through my mind as I watched a TV Program. A small eight- year- old boy, wheelchair bound, kept alive with medication and a profound love of life, was being interviewed. He suffered from a DNA transmitted disease resulting in little muscle control, pain, various other related conditions and a built in life expectancy of less than twelve years, usually much less. His lovely mind was not affected. He was home-schooled and had a gift for poetry and literature far beyond his years. His devoted parents had...

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Messy Churches

Posted by on May 5, 2019 in Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, General, Lifestyles | 0 comments

Messy Churches

A program to create messy churches? As a member of the Alter Guild with St. Michaels and All Saints church in Chemainus I shook my head when I first heard of the Messy Church program. Messy churches? isn’t that what groups like Alter Guild work to prevent? This certainly seemed odd/confusing to me. This confusion was clarified whilst having coffee one morning with Jane Hird-Rutter who kindly wrote the article below for Island Woman.  I am sure that many of you will be equally surprised upon reading the article below.   Trish Summerhayes. Owner/Publisher Island Woman...

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Food Trends

Posted by on Apr 14, 2019 in Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, Food, General | 0 comments

Food Trends

‘Where are we going? What am I doing in this hand basket?’ It’s looking pretty bleak out there, and many of us are asking ourselves what we can do about it. Well it so happens that changing the way we eat can have a profound effect on the planet. Much of our food is dominated by meat products and processed foods, which require lots of energy to produce, process and package. Worldwide, livestock is the cause of 15% of the climate crisis and it is also responsible for vast areas of deforestation. The Globe and Mail recently reported that 58% of food produced in Canada is wasted or lost...

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News for homebuyers

Posted by on Apr 8, 2019 in Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, Finance, General | 0 comments

News for homebuyers

The recent federal budget included Housing AffordabilityMeasures that may be applicable to your situation, now or in the future. There are three key measures intended to help: an incentive for first-time homebuyers, an increase in the amount of RRSP funds first-time buyers can access for a down-payment, and allowing divorced individuals to use their RRSP funds under the Home Buyers Plan. Let’s take a closer look at each: FIRST-TIME HOME BUYER INCENTIVE (available Fall 2019) This new measure is basically a shared equity program designed to reduce mortgage payments for first-time buyers...

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Fighting Cold and Flu

Posted by on Apr 5, 2019 in Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, Food, General, Health & Wellness | 0 comments

Fighting Cold and Flu

Vitamins and Other Supplements to Strengthen Your Immune System When we’re not feeling well, getting enough sleep, drinking enough fluids, and getting plenty of rest is what we need to get better. But what about our diet? How can we change what we eat to get better? And, can what we eat help prevent us from getting sick? In this post I’m joined by University of British Columbia student Alyssa Chai to share what the scientific literature has to say about what supplements to strengthen and maintain a healthy immune system.   Fighting Cold and Flu with Supplements Vitamin C Vitamin C...

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Mother and Healer

Posted by on Mar 23, 2019 in Current Posts, Featured Slider Posts, General, Health & Wellness, Metaphysics & Complementary Healing | 2 comments

Mother and Healer

We build bridges every day, between opposing sides of the same thing.  One of my goals as a Healer, is to build bridges between alternative and conventional medicine, so people can benefit from both. These days I’m building a different bridge, one between being a Healer and being a Mother. I believe that as a Mother, I’m inherently a Healer. Every Mother is. The cough syrup company, Robitussin, capitalized on this with their Dr. Mom commercials in the 1990’s. Dr. Mom knows best, right? My experiences recently with conventional medicine would say otherwise. My oldest daughter is in a...

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