Mother’s Day
Olivia sat, staring into space, smiling, while her children charged around above her, yelling at the tops of their voices. She remembered acting just like that. Her own childhood wasn’t so far in the past, that she had forgotten the joy of weekends – no school, no schedule, no need to be quiet. Eight-year old Bonnie and six-year old John were good students. She had never had a call from the principal except, of course, that once. She remembered her own mother saying that it wasn’t when the children screamed or cried that you needed to worry; it was when they went quiet. Like now....
Read MoreVariable rate
This Spring we’re seeing lenders getting aggressive with their pricing for variable rate mortgages: a sign that lenders are fighting for market share, making it a great time to be shopping for a mortgage! First a reminder of the difference between fixed vs variable. Fixed rates are often well suited to first-time buyers or those who haven’t owned a home for long because they want to know with absolute certainty what their payment will be for a set number of years. A variable mortgage has an interest rate that will move in conjunction with your lender’s Prime rate, which in turn tracks...
Read MoreB.C. 2018 Municipal Elections
Island Woman Magazine will actively support and encourage all the women candidates on Vancouver Island that will be running in the upcoming 2018 municipal elections. We invite the candidates initially to send us biographies of who they are, why they are running for office. We encourage them to state their values and their vision of what needs to be done to ensure that we can maintain and improve the quality of life that we enjoy here on Vancouver Island. Most importantly, we ask them why we should vote for them. During the campaign we will post the details of any meetings or announcements...
Read MoreLia Versaevel CVRD Area G
I am running as a Candidate in the upcoming fall elections, as Area Director in the CVRD. Area G encompasses many Gulf Islands, including Penelakut and Thetis, Valdes and Ruxton as well as the residential neighbourhood of Sunny Saltair and a vast swath of territory reaching into the center of Vancouver Island, almost to Youbou! With a population of approximately 2000 people, Area G has several distinct communities, and yet we all share common concerns. Thetis continues to enjoy its historic Forbes community center with plans to expand, while Saltair embarks on planning for the recently...
Read MoreMystic Mountain
It was not April Fool’s Day. Nor was I the victim of someone’s cruel joke. Yet there is no explanation for what happened on that July 13th in 1977. I was in my thirtieth year. I had travelled some by then and was familiar with various lifestyles, various human foibles, wisdom and stupidity, yet nothing in my life to date had prepared me for what I encountered on that walk up the side of Mystic Mountain. Mystic Mountain was on the outskirts of the village where we had recently settled; a quiet rural setting with clean water, clear skies, fresh air, lots of nature to explore. On this rare...
Read MoreGo Confidently into Summer
It is that wondrous time of year again, where anything is possible.Sun-drizzled horizons, aqua skies, and long golden days. This is the time for every woman to blossom into that fabulous flower nurtured inside. From the mind-bending beauty of Joseph Ribkoff to the mellow and sensual flow of Sympli designs, we have styles for every unique personality. Our fashions give women the confidence that they can be or do anything. ‘Marie Claire’ magazine doesn’t mince words in its overview of the new trends in fashion for summer 2018: ‘We’ve got two words: Fashion Prozac. Designers reacted...
Read MoreThe Cable Company.
I popped down to the local cable company for a chat. After standing for a customer service person for five minutes, aggravating my seized up right knee, I was called. “I’d like to talk about my PVR,” I said, hoping that didn’t sound too personal. The lady sat bolt upright in her computer chair. She was very neat – clothes, hair, desk. She wore blue framed glasses behind which were matching bright blue cold eyes that said – don’t mess with me lady. Her thin cupid bow mouth was painted a dull red. I said very politely. “I’ve paid $15 monthly...
Read MoreFoods To Avoid for Hay Fever
Hay fever. I have it. Do you? Did you know that what you eat could be making your hay fever worse? All human bodies contain histamine. Most of us, most of the time, aren’t bothered by it one bit. However, our bodies have a threshold for histamine. When the level of histamine in our bodies goes above that threshold, we experience symptoms. They are the symptoms that us hay fever sufferers know all too well – itchy eyes, watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose, etc. Histamine in the Body Where do the histamines in our bodies come from? There are three major sources. The first source are...
Read MoreReduce Care Giver Stress
Being a caregiver to a senior often leads to stress and may also weaken physical health. It also increases financial responsibility and pressure. Many caregivers report feeling tired, worried, anxious, overwhelmed, or isolated. Specifically, meal preparation, cleaning and lack of support are the leading causes of stress among caregivers of seniors. In 2009, it was reported that 34% of Canadians aged 65 or older are at nutrition risk. This emphasizes the need to better support family care givers to provide nutrition care to senior parents. Why isn’t it obvious? Many seniors experience poor...
Read MoreMenswear: Not Just for Men
There’s something about a crisp, clean men’s button up that makes it a timeless classic in the wardrobe of every well-dressed man. And who’s to say that it can’t be a staple in the wardrobe of a well-dressed woman? The form of the shoulders, the way the shirt is tapered, and the cut of the garment invokes an undeniable air of masculinity when worn by a man, and yet the contrast when worn by a woman does nothing but draw attention to the femininity of the wearer. It also adds an element of boldness to your look, telling the world that you are not afraid to defy convention...
Read MoreThe Bee Man
Winnie the Pooh and I have a lot in common, we both love honey. “I eat my peas with honey; I’ve done it all my life. It makes the peas taste funny, But it keeps them on the knife”. I have always loved honey. I love its texture,its smell and its taste. Each jar when its opened takes me on a journey to where the bees first started the journey of turning pollen into the nectar that we generically know as honey. One smell can take me to the fireweed covered sunny slopes on a mountain or the tangled brambles of a river estuary. The magic of...
Read MorePreserving Gardening History
In my life as a food grower I have always chosen heritage varieties of plants to grow. That’s because I want to be able to collect seeds from my plants for next year’s harvest. I believe that without seeds you are never really food secure, and by choosing open-pollinated varieties you can collect seeds from your garden whenever you need them. Over the years, as my enthusiasm for producing food increased, I have also saved a lot of money by saving my own seeds. There are many food plants that self-seed readily, so you only have to plant them once and they will reappear in your garden....
Read MoreChew your food.
Improve Digestion, Reduce Bloating, and Get More Vitamins with This Simple Step Do you want to get more vitamins, minerals and other nutrients from the food that you eat? Want to reduce bloating and poor digestion? Want to experience more enjoyment from your food? How about feeling more full from eating less food? What if there was one really easy way to achieve all this? Well then I’ve got good news for you. There is one easy way: Chew your food. Yes, chew your food. Okay, I’m being a bit sensationalist. But I have good reason to be. It seems too obvious and too good to be true. But it...
Read MoreJust a Fling
If not for his eyelashes, the problem would never have arisen. But there they were, long, feathery, dark; framing eyes so brown, they looked black. He ordered coffee and paid the barista. Ruth watched him out of the corner of her eye while she pretended to eye the baked goods. When he walked away, she actually turned to watch, earning a dirty look from the woman behind her. She was tempted to say “Seriously? You aren’t watching him too?” The barista gave her a grin that said she understood completely. Coffee in hand, Ruth sidled over to the table beside his. They faced each other. He...
Read MoreVancouver Island University
Education is available to most of us. Online, or bricks and mortar, mentors, teachers, visuals, in person, webinars, to listen and absorb our curriculum. Most of us can access and achieve our heart’s desires in the upper echelons of learning. Here on Gabriola, the Nanaimo based Vancouver Island University is about an hour away. Easy transportation from my place to there and back, I usually go by car. However, a friend of mind is a Professor in the VIU Faculty of Management, using shank’s-pony to the Gabriola ferry, then hope on the Nanaimo bus system, disembarking at the hub of...
Read MoreGrace and Decorum
For those who haven’t guessed, I am a mature woman of a certain age that will remain confidential. Let’s just say that I now introduce my daughter as my little sister and my granddaughter as my daughter, much to their chagrin but my delight if I am believed. The three of us-daughter and granddaughter-had looked forward to our trip to Seattle to see Mama Mia at the 5th Ave. Playhouse. It was my granddaughter’s very generous treat. Fortune was with us when the long awaited day arrived. It was crisp and clear, beautiful. As foot passengers, we boarded the Bainbridge ferry...
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